4-30-13 SPECIAL FEATURE EDITION: APOLOGIZE Diane Sawyer, Brian Ross, George Stephanopolous, Senator Feinstein, Gabby Giffords, Wolf Blitzer, David Gregory --
the media is out-of-control when it comes to reporting opinions instead of facts.
Terrorism and war in the millennial age:
Repeat after me @whitehouse curtail (Iran) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151514617253670&set=pb.773523669.-2207520000.1366712465.&type=3&theater … contain (North Korea) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151530872408670&set=a.79091778669.74391.773523669&type=1&theater … intervene (Syria)
6:25 AM - 23 Apr 13 · Details
How the military and local police are engaging and meeting the challenges.
April 16
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 24s
@VP @SpeakerBoehner @GovernorDeal @HouseFloor @SenateFloor residents of Newtown retraumatized by yesterday's bombing, and we deserve better!
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 47s
@VP @SpeakerBoehner @GovernorDeal I'll draw up a School Safety program to expand K-9's at schools that @HouseFloor @SenateFloor can approve
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 1m
@VP @SpeakerBoehner @GovernorDeal Henry County would love to host expanded dog training for K-9's to get out of debt https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gCsVzgQIHy0GQOVl2b80fyNBTtPeA6dHCNXkwth-y3M/edit …
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 2m
Obama's Presidential budget allotment should be spent on K-9 officer at schools @VP @SpeakerBoehner @GovernorDeal https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ptqU7Fwirxk_3xxWEKq4KtBNtrr9235CYKf2eHxKIqc/edit…
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 3m
We seek federal funds for K-9 officer in every school, rotate with SWAT @VP @SpeakerBoehner @GovernorDeal we need to get serious on safety.
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 8m
With yesterday's attack, improving security is not just for weapons policy reforms @VP @SpeakerBoehner @GovernorDeal https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pR-l94Qs4_S0yO8wg8thuZJ-6p4ruXhgIlP4-PoQWLQ/edit?usp=drive_web …
Homeland Security @DHSgov 2h
Remember: “If You See Something, Say Something™.” If something doesn’t look right, report it to local authorities. #seesay
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 2h
@DHSgov Had it not been for good work of FAA, TSA, Embassies to fortify security and Providence, yesterday's attack would've been way worse!
2:57 PM - 16 Apr 13 · Details
5:18 PM - 20 Apr 13 · Details
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 1m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police This is a Syria cell problem that spread to Turkey recently that Russia was investigating http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salafist_jihadism …
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 2m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police This group will be upgraded to high threat status http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salafist_jihadism … https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aq5m9QEGEZpOdDRSeEN0dVVfaW5zTU05WWtENVFKRUE#gid=0 …
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 4m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police After you investigate with local police departments & confer with @FBIPressOffice I reassess https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aq5m9QEGEZpOdDRSeEN0dVVfaW5zTU05WWtENVFKRUE#gid=0
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 5m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police This group was at an upgraded status http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salafist_jihadism … at time of attack on Boston https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aq5m9QEGEZpOdDRSeEN0dVVfaW5zTU05WWtENVFKRUE#gid=0 …
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 6m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police This group accepts funding from Shia or Sunni http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salafist_jihadism … unlike Osama's sect
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 7m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police Bombings in Iraq have connections to Boston Marathon by means of this group http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salafist_jihadism … making alliances
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 8m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police Iran also does not like @NATO or proposed plan to cut off jihad and weapons pipeline https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Evv8Mui0kFzwSiX_0PxMki_EN1mr2EHzkYGA-TChCoc/edit …
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 9m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police We also believe with how much Al Qaeda and other groups hate @NATO it set them off https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Evv8Mui0kFzwSiX_0PxMki_EN1mr2EHzkYGA-TChCoc/edit …
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 10m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police We believe that due to good @TSA and Embassy Alerts that attacks planned had to be changed for April threat to bombs
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 11m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police With sequester we were concerned about planes so we bolstered to repel that & embassy threat https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151515290103670&set=a.10150477503253670.383130.773523669&type=3&theater …
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 13m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police We had an active threat alert since 2/28/13 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BORqs1S0ovszx2Z96blJp9oSF820ovZIg44_jMs0iZE/edit … we suspected planes or embassy attack in April
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 14m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police That is 7 months of information, that have been publicly discussed and analyzed that was sent to Russia as well.
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 15m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police Here are the 14 groups from 2012-2013 on our radar #GCC https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151491585533670&set=a.10150477503253670.383130.773523669&type=3&theater … under #2 and #12 Boston suspects
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 20m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police This is the #GCC most wanted list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aq5m9QEGEZpOdEh4YlJGN0x3WVRvSnJRWFdzNmlwS2c#gid=0 …
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 20m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police We considered a formal petition of war against Syria 8/19/12 -ended in default state of war https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fj5pCjKitKPdqMkfvx67cUewX39N5wxSK-FpjSIC-Ps/edit …
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 22m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police Benghazi Compound was attacked twice before the Team was assassinated https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tu4RkJ8E95xv_M4g_ID3B_BP7p6GkGqZCEm_Uk8AJSg/edit …
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 24m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police We began this investigation last June, before our Ambassador Team was assassinated due to Al Qaeda presence in Syria
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 25m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police These files have been public since last year, investigating Ambassador Team's death https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pr5A4m-EUGxPIFs3gGGLIgECfWJksAPDVq4oOCx6yHA/edit … #12
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 28m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police We are very concerned about Obama's safety right now: this venue was Boston, but the crimes are much larger.
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 29m
@FoxNews @Boston_Police Obama Admin. has no express authority over courts or local officials to do anything without investigation being done
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 30m
@FoxNews remaining suspect is in custody of @Boston_Police to press charges-they have jurisdiction until federal charges are brought
4:17 PM - 20 Apr 13 · Details
What funding will be required in the budget, and does this require a formal declaration of war against Syria and raising an Army for 2 years?
Israel Accuses Syria of Using Chemical Weapons, ‘Probably Sarin’
Apr 23, 2013 12:54pm
JERUSALEM – For the first time Israel has accused the forces of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria of using chemical weapons against rebel forces over the past several months, including “probably sarin,” the deadly nerve agent that is one of the most feared elements in Syria’s formidable chemical weapons arsenal. The accusation was made today by Brigadier General Itai Baron, the head of the Research Division of Israel’s Military Intelligence, and it ratchets up the international allegations against Syria of chemical weapons use, none of which have previously mentioned sarin.
“To the best of our professional understanding, the regime has caused death using chemical weapons against [rebel forces] over the last few months,” said Baron at an international security conference.
He spoke specifically about an incident on March 19 near the northern city of Aleppo in which 26 people – many of them regime soldiers – were killed in what appeared to be a chemical attack. The Assad regime immediately blamed rebels, who in turn accused the regime.
“What chemical weapons specifically” were used? Baron asked. “Probably sarin.” Baron cited as evidence photos he’d seen of the area and victims with “constricted pupils, the foam coming out of mouths, additional signs.” Britain and France reportedly told United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon last week that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons, including on March 19. They based their findings, they said, on soil samples and interviews with witnesses and doctors. The U.N. had been invited into Syria by the regime to investigate the March 19 incident but when it asked to do a broader investigation into other allegations, Syria blocked their entry. The U.S. has been less aggressive in its accusations of chemical weapons use, likely not wanting to paint itself into a corner after repeatedly saying that chemical use would be a “game changer” and “cross a red line,” triggering an as-yet undefined action. When asked about the March 19 incident during his visit to Israel in March, Obama responded that the U.S. was still investigating and that he was skeptical the rebels had staged the chemical attack.
Today’s Israeli allegation came on the final day of a trip to Israel by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, a trip highlighted by the signing of a $10 billion arms package for Israel. Soon after he left, the Pentagon responded to Baron’s remarks in a written statement saying that “the United States continues to assess reports of chemical weapons use in Syria. The use of such weapons would be entirely unacceptable.”
Videos have surfaced online of Islamist rebel fighters with vast supplies of chemicals, carrying out experiments on animals and saying they will use chemical weapons against the Assad regime.
The Assad regime is believed to have one of the biggest stockpiles of chemical weapons in the world which contains the VX nerve agent and mustard gas, in addition to sarin.
SHOWS: World News
By not intervening in Syria, are we not finishing the 9-11 conflict and just keeping the status quo on arms trade and pretending to have peace in the world, when Iran and North Korea clearly mean harm and commit acts of war and trespass when they don't get their way?
Remember this quote when you get discouraged @BarackObama "Let us recollect that peace or war will not always be left to our option;
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 24 Apr
@BarackObama ...however moderate or unambitious we may be, we cannot count upon the moderation, or hope to extinguish the ambition of others
@NATO @USMC @USNavy @usairforce @USArmy @VP @JohnKerry @ForChuckHagel @JohnBrennanCIA if not https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pr5A4m-EUGxPIFs3gGGLIgECfWJksAPDVq4oOCx6yHA/edit … it must be poisoned
@NATO @USMC @USNavy @usairforce @USArmy @VP @JohnKerry @ForChuckHagel @JohnBrennanCIA Burn the dead stump out https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pr5A4m-EUGxPIFs3gGGLIgECfWJksAPDVq4oOCx6yHA/edit
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 24 Apr
@MedvedevRussiaE Here is a copy for you in Russian https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H6FcilGxZq9zzL6CCNYxxmFkZCCWBzBHbCP4JknsbOU/edit …
@MedvedevRussiaE This will flush out Iran's corruption, his corruption, and funding from prior issues with Clinton https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pr5A4m-EUGxPIFs3gGGLIgECfWJksAPDVq4oOCx6yHA/edit …
@MedvedevRussiaE Tell him I will now be investigating the jihadist pipeline to Syria https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pr5A4m-EUGxPIFs3gGGLIgECfWJksAPDVq4oOCx6yHA/edit … pic.twitter.com/I0KmfUXlJA
@MedvedevRussiaE We are not interested in supplanting jihad or in corruption funding Islamic Caliphate https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151531004073670&set=a.10150477503253670.383130.773523669&type=3&theater …
You tell Assad since Al Nusra has sworn allegiance to Al Qaeda in 4-7-13 that he must destroy them or we will @MedvedevRussiaE
@UN @SpeakerBoehner @RepPaulRyan @netanyahu @Number10gov @cbabdullahgul @fhollande updates to threat status http://lnk.ms/d97Rz
@VP @GH_PARK @Karzai @fhollande @Number10gov @netanyahu @cbabdullahgul @XiJinping6 updates to threat status http://lnk.ms/d97Rz
@NATO @USMC @USNavy @usairforce @USArmy @VP @JohnKerry @ForChuckHagel @JohnBrennanCIA updates to threat status http://lnk.ms/d97Rz
@FBIPressOffice #GCC #2 Al Qaeda retaliatory #12 Salafi Jihadists #13 AQIM high threat status after Boston attack http://lnk.ms/d97Rz
#GCC puts #12 Salafi Jihadists and #13 AQIM at high threat status after Boston attack and promised retaliation http://lnk.ms/d97Rz
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
Islamic Caliphate=more dead, the better-all they care about is power not how much blood spilled or how sinful it is http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=57964 …
What Muslims do is kill each other daily, and then claim it is holy or in pursuit of Islamic Caliphate since 2010 http://www.thejidf.org/2010/05/hezbollah-iran-syria-axis-supporting.html …
2-7-11 Chechen threat @MedvedevRussiaE http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Europe/2011/0207/Chechen-terrorist-issues-stark-video-warning-to-Russians
Chechen terrorist issues stark video warning to Russians
Russia's most wanted terrorist, Chechen Doku Umarov, warned Muscovites of an upcoming wave of suicide assaults. His video comes just two weeks after a suicide attack at Domodedovo airport.
An undated still image taken from video shows Russia's most wanted terrorist, Chechen Doku Umarov (c.). Umarov has said his forces will carry out more attacks and that Russia faces 'a year of blood and tears."
A new video posted over the weekend by Russia's most wanted terrorist, self-described Chechen "Emir" Doku Umarov, has warned already jittery Muscovites to brace for a "year of blood and tears." His threat: a wave of assaults by up to 60 suicide bombers trained at a secret base in the North Caucasus.
Rich Clabaugh/Staff
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That chilling message comes just two weeks after a suicide attack on Moscow's Domodedovo airport killed 35 people and wounded almost 200.
The slaughter prompted an outpouring of criticism from leaders as well as security experts over ongoing vulnerabilities more than 16 years after Russian forces first invaded the North Caucasus republic of Chechnya in a bid to put down a separatist uprising.
"These operations will be carried out monthly, or weekly, as God allows and depending upon [Russian] reaction," Mr. Umarov says in thickly accented Russian in the video, which was posted in Russian at Kavkaz Center, a website that often carries statements from Islamist insurgents in Russia's south.
Wearing army camouflage, flanked by two stone-faced lieutenants, and standing beneath a black flag showing a sword and an inscription in Arabic, the heavily bearded Umarov adds: "Through our actions we will awaken you.... we will make this a year of blood and tears."
Self-proclaimed leader of an Islamic 'caliphate'
Umarov styles himself "Emir Dokku Abu Usman" and proclaims himself leader of an Islamic "caliphate" that seeks to wrest from Moscow's rule virtually the entire northern slope of the Caucasus Mountains, including seven autonomous Russian republics strung out between the Caspian and Black seas.
He has taken responsibility for terrorist acts in the past, notably a twin suicide bombing in Moscow's crowded metro system last March that killed almost 40 people.
Umarov makes no mention of the Domodedovo attack, but experts say there may be a gruesome reason for that. They say the grim-faced young man standing on Umarov's left in the video is probably Magomed Yevloyev, a 20-something accounting student from the insurgency-wracked republic of Ingushetia, whom Russian authorities now believe was the suicide bomber who struck the international arrivals area of the airport on Jan. 24.
"In the video, Umarov is introducing this young man, who is going to be sent on a special mission, and there is growing evidence that was the bomber who hit Domodedovo," says Andrei Soldatov, editor of Agentura.ru, an online journal that follows security issues.
"For Doku Umarov, it's clearly important to be seen as a leading figure in the global jihad, someone who can threaten the Kremlin. He seems determined to proceed, to keep sending people to strike Moscow," he says.
Russian attitudes hardening
The Domodedovo attack has led to a hardening of attitudes among Russians, who appear increasingly resigned to an ongoing terror assault as a fact of life rather than a problem that might be solved politically.
A poll released last week by the independent Levada Center in Moscow found that after the Moscow metro bombing last March, 53 percent of Russians nationwide saw terrorism as a consequence of the 15-year war against separatist and Islamist insurgents in the North Caucasus.
Following the Domodedovo attack, only 41 percent thought so, while 28 percent blamed "international terrorist conspiracy" – markedly up from 19 percent less than a year ago.
"A plurality of respondents still link terrorism to the war in Chechnya, but they do not go so far as to explicitly connect it to the policies of [former president and current prime minister Vladimir] Putin," says Denis Volkov, a researcher with the Levada Center. "Perhaps this is because this subject is not broached in the mass media, and groups that analyze the situation in these terms do not have the media access that would enable them to make it part of the public discussion."
Mr. Volkov says more than half of respondents now see terrorism as something that they'll just have to learn to live with.
"More people support the authorities' version of the origins of terrorism, and increasingly see Islamist terrorism as Russia's enemy. We see this feeling that the problem cannot be solved as a factor that's contributing to uncertainty, tension, and aggression in society.
When added to other existing social, ethnic, and economic realities, this could make for a very dangerous combination," he says.
Thousands of Russian soccer fans went on a violent, racially tinged rampage in Moscow last December after a Russian fan of the Moscow soccer team Spartak was killed in a fight with immigrants from the North Caucasus.
"Growing xenophobia is one of the consequences we see," as people adjust to the onslaught of terrorism, says Andrei Kolesnikov, opinion editor of the opposition weekly Novaya Gazeta. "People aren't blaming political leaders, but increasingly they fear Caucasians and non-Russians as the carriers of the terror threat."
The public mood has been aggravated by a recent wave of false terror alerts, most the work of hoaxers, who have sent emergency services scrambling with dozens of credible but false bomb threats to marketplaces, railroad stations, metro lines, and airports.
"In January alone, we had 42 false alarms, which is a record number," says Ilgam Kurmanov, head of the Moscow's police's sapper [bomb disposal] department.
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@FBIPressOffice These are problematic groups springing up from Al Qaeda remnants https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151491585533670&set=a.10150477503253670.383130.773523669&type=3&theater …
@FBIPressOffice Once these channels were closed https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151338537468670&set=a.79091778669.74391.773523669&type=3&theater … and drones took over, Al Qaeda withered and became terrorist militia
Acquiring funding for nukes or nukes themselves via Saddam with Osama's money was the aim pre-2006 @FBIPressOffice https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151338537468670&set=a.79091778669.74391.773523669&type=3&theater …
Apparently overthrowing the state of Pakistan for nukes would assure Islamic Caliphate, global jihad, and Muslim dominance @FBIPressOffice
Billy Hallowell @BillyHallowell16 Jan 12
Romney was right on radical Islam back in 2008: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/flashback-romneys-past-warnings-about-violent-radical-islamic-fundamentalism-the-caliphate/ …
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
This Chechen terrorist is aiming to lead an Islamic caliphate in Caucasus. Has he been watching some Glenn Beck? http://bit.ly/eWX9uY
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
JIDF @JIDF9 Jun 10
Hezbollah-Iran-Syria Axis-Supporting Arab/Muslim Knesset Member, Ganaim, calls for Islamic caliphate in Israel http://is.gd/c50QG
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
Jon Lee Anderson @jonleeanderson25 Jul
#Syria Today a rebel chief in Aleppo told me wants an Islamic state of Syria. His ideal: the 8th century Caliphate of Omar ibn Abdelaziz.
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
TheBlaze @theblaze8 Aug
Former Brotherhood Member Speaks: Egypt Will Be ‘Seed’ of Islamic Caliphate http://www.theblaze.com/stories/former-brotherhood-member-speaks-out-egypt-will-be-seed-of-islamic-caliphate-that-will-eventually-encompass-world-in-its-entirety/ … js
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
Egypt: Muslim cleric says global dominance by Islamic caliphate is "one of the tenets of the Muslim Brotherhood,... http://tinyurl.com/8mqeru6
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
Zawahiri urges establishment of Islamic state in Syria to help return of Caliphate http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=57964 …
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
Okay I want every bit of info on who reads "Inspire" and this flag @FBIPressOffice http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/04/23/17881308-slick-al-qaeda-online-magazine-aims-to-train-a-generation-of-killers?lite … pic.twitter.com/NYhJgZtxVx
Uncle of Boston bombing suspects says oldest brother was brainwashed by a friend in the Boston area. http://on.cnn.com/10yH6nJ
Friend 'brainwashed' bombing suspect, uncle says
Tweet text
Benita Levin @benitalevin24 Apr
"Just took his brain"..? “@cnnbrk: Uncle of Boston bombing suspects says oldest was brainwashed by friend in Boston. http://on.cnn.com/10yH6nJ ”
@cnnbrk Brainwashed?! You guys would know aaaaall about that now wouldn't you?!
@President_Iran Give me a reason to spare you
Al Qaeda hit squad threat 2/28/13
Source IDs water, transportation, power lines, cell towers, lawmakers as targets
Reza Kahlili, author of the award-winning book "A Time to Betray," served in CIA Directorate of Operations, as a spy in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, counterterrorism expert; currently serves on the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, an advisory board to Congress and the advisory board of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran (FDI). He regularly appears in national and international media as an expert on Iran and counterterrorism in the Middle East.More ↓
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A senior Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander has warned America and Europe that al-Qaida operatives will soon attack them.
And a source in the Islamic regime's Intelligence Ministry told WND that another terror team is about to enter the United States. Should the West not accept Iran's rights to its nuclear program within six months, the terrorists will attack, he said.
The potential targets in the US include high-voltage towers to create blackouts, cell towers, water supplies, public transportation and various buildings belonging to the Defense Department and military.
The source said six US politicians who have promoted tougher measures against the regime are on the hit list, along with such targets as the Washington National Cathedral and Lincoln Memorial in DC and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
Two days of negotiations between Iran and the 5+1 countries (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) have just ended in Kazakhstan over Iran's illicit nuclear program. The two parties agreed to meet again in March and April.
The source said an April deadline has been set for Iran to resolve issues over its nuclear program, one of which is to halt activity at Fordow and take concrete measures not to resume enrichment there. Iranian media are avoiding mentioning enrichment at Fordow in the wake of reports that explosions occurred there. The source said that proves explosions rocked Fordow and the West is now urging the regime not to restart enrichment at that site, which is deep underground and immune to conventional air strikes.
Read Reza Kahlili's inside story of Iran, in “A Time to Betray.” Also look at the status of freedom in the repressive nation, in “A Cry From Iran: The Untold Story of Iranian Christian Martyrs.
WND exclusively reported the Jan. 21 explosions at Fordow, which have now dramatically altered the terms of the dialog between the 5+1 and Iran. Subsequent WND reports said dozens of scientists and technicians were killed in the blasts, scores more were injured, and that radiation leaks are sickening rescue workers and security personnel.
According to Fars News Agency, a media outlet run by the Revolutionary Guards, the regime's armed forces deputy chief of staff, Brig. Gen. Masoud Jazayeri, last Thursday stated that, “Al-Qaida groups and other services (likely Hezbollah) which operate for the interest of America will soon change the region of their operations and thereafter create new problems for America and Europe.”
Jazayeri warned that the operatives have technological resources to threaten America and that, “if the people of America and Europe do not confront the aggressive policies of their governments, they cannot then remain far from the possible future events (terror attacks).”
WND reported exclusively on Dec. 11 and Dec. 18 that Islamic regime terror teams are not only ready to attack France and Germany but also the US
Iran has been training, arming and funding al-Qaida elements for years. The regime's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and Quds Force commanders have held several meetings in Tehran with al-Qaida leaders in which a plan was devised to attack the West.
The source told WND that a six-member team, including an explosives specialist, is to join 10 Quds Force commanders who already have a cell of 50 terrorists in the US Collaboration with al-Qaida serves Iranian leaders well, the source added, as al-Qaida attacks will not leave behind a link to Tehran.
This information has been shared with US intelligence agencies, which have followed suspected terrorists through three countries so far. The source is working with US authorities to verify the information, though it has yet to be validated.
While Israel and the West have set their eyes on covert operations and increased sanctions to pressure the regime into ending its illicit nuclear program, the regime has its eyes on completing its nuclear bomb program by overcoming the last obstacle of arming its ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads, according to the source.
The plan is, the source said, that if in the next six months America does not accept Iran's nuclear program and does not ease sanctions or a military confrontation occurs, the terrorist assets have been ordered to carry out their missions. The regime feels it must act by then because current sanctions, which have already had a serious effect on Iran's economy, could spark civil riots.
The International Atomic Energy Agency indicated in its Feb. 21 report that not only has Iran refused to allow inspection of several suspected nuclear sites but also has begun installing new-generation centrifuges at Natanz, which currently has 10,000 centrifuges enriching uranium. It said the regime's Arak heavy-water plant is set to become operational by 2014, which would provide Iran with a second path to nuclear weapons by providing it with the needed plutonium for bombs.
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Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 34s
@US_Protocol US Embassy Personnel should be on alert of impending commissioned bombing attack now thru next 6 mos. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Evv8Mui0kFzwSiX_0PxMki_EN1mr2EHzkYGA-TChCoc/edit …
The period of decisive consideration on Syria from 12/8/12 to 2/8/13 has expired: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SyJnn7oozSoAmviM8357y3Z0PeSBL6Xb2Ogubrji9CM/edit
In studying the events and escalation of violence in the Middle East region, the following pattern has emerged:
Illicit travel has lead to a jihadist pipeline:
- holing up in African countries that have weaker governments,
- training camps in Yemen,
- collecting funds through corrupt cleric in Saudi Arabia,
- bombings in Iraq,
- hopping on an airplane in Iran to escape or evade arrest and prosecution by seeking refuge as a fugitive from the international community,
- flying over to Afghanistan and getting bombs made there, committing bombings and attacks,
- going over to Pakistan to commit bombings
- circling through India, and sneaking back to Afghanistan, to work this pattern in reverse.
Assad has done little or nothing to stop the re-emerging Al Qaeda threat.
In fact, Assad quartered them on his soil last Summer, and he refused to identify them and work with the international community, so instead Assad chose bombing his people and then claiming he was fighting terrorists.
Assad has been implicated in funding Al Qaeda mercenaries in 6 commissioned assassinations since 2005: Hariri, our Benghazi Ambassador Team, Al Hassan, attempted hit on SNC, def. Col. Riad Al-Assad, and our Diplomatic Team in Afghanistan for its transition to Sovereignty.
Once Al Qaeda Command structure started being identified, they fled to Africa.
Al Nusra is a local Conservative Sunni militia, whose main goal is to oust Assad and keep the North as Sunni territory. They have little or no interest in pursuing global terrorism, but feel that with Assad killing so many people that they are under sanctioned war.
They have been known to get weapons through the jihadist pipeline, and they do possess the skill of Iraqi bomb-making, but they are not able to leave the region and must fend off Assad’s corrupt police from raping Syria’s women.
Despite accusations that Al Nusra is a listed terrorist group and that they are hard to distinguish from other jihadists or Al Qaeda, except for the variation of their flag and their origin being local and confined to northern Syria; it is believed that lumping all jihadists into one category is not a good way to systematically dismantle violence or work toward peace in the future. Al Nusra was particularly angry with Obama, because they felt Obama should have intervened militarily and painted Obama as a Zionist Jew puppet because they were angry. It was for this reason primarily and for their criticism in a picture taping Chief Khatib’s mouth around the same time last year that they were designated a “terrorist group”.
Despite this, Al Nusra has been indispensable in preventing Hezbollah and Iran from attempting to infiltrate Lebanon and Syria, Hezbollah and Iran use the violence as a cover for their weapons trade. One such WMD was delivered to Assad and is currently buried under the palace of Damascus. The biggest issue is the Eastern Ghouta weapons storehouse, recently surveilled by drone technology, where Assad has 800 of Saddam’s scuds. The main issue is the transfer of nuclear material into those weapons or Assad using a genocidal chemical attack to attempt to remain in power, despite losing 85% of control in Syria. This now makes the 3rd time the Free Syrian Army has tried to take the Palace of Damascus.
Other conditions requiring such supplication to invocation of Article 5:
Assad was asked a pivotal question prior to being asked to surrender for human rights violations on 11/13/12 5:08PM: why did Osama choose to attack the United States on Assad’s birthday, if Assad believes in secular government? With Assad’s refusal to surrender, Assad was told his refusal to accept unconditional surrender meant that no offer would be made again and that asylum would be denied.
- Perhaps more stunning than Assad saying that he would die in Syria and remaining silent in responding to the question, was the Haqqani Network and the Taliban asking to engage in peace talks, directly thereafter:
Haqqani and Taliban jointly request peace talks, again, after question is posed to Assad "Did Wahhabi Osama attack the United States on your birthday over a decade ago, to create war between us and the Muslim World?" http://lnk.ms/dZ3P2
The window of time has elapsed on more formal considerations for a no-fly zone or safe-zone establishment in Syria, due to previous abandonment of proposals, resulting in a default state of war with Syria since 9/15/12 and partial instatement of some policies.
- As a result of lack of Congressional consideration and approval to declare war on Syria because of the sectarian nature of the conflict and internal security issues of Syria itself, Obama’s infraction of the Impeachment Order in attempting to arm Syrian rebels prior to Al Qaeda’s aspiration to take Syria for its own 9/9/12, the United States does not wish to leave our allies Israel and Turkey without full assurance that we are meeting our budgeted obligations and requirements as allies.
Article I, Sec. 8 determines that the power to declare war resides with Congress, and that no appropriation shall be made longer than two years to raise and support an Army.
- Congress did approve a safe-zone exercise for the Jordan area, to contain violence. So far these efforts have resulted in the assassination of Al Hassan, security head of Lebanon, and Assad breached the proposed monthlong ceasefire, with a climax of 60 air raids during the time of the UN proposed truce for the holiday:
Proposition for a month long ceasefire, in recognition of Eid al-Adha through Ashura:
- In August, Congress declined to hear consideration for a formal declaration of war against Syria, despite Syria’s contributions to quartering Al Qaeda, deaths of 35,000 civilians, and the presence of four confirmed terrorist groups operating on its soil: Al Qaeda, PKK, Al Nusra, and other Islamic Brigades. Syria has since responded to these issues with coordinated efforts of Iran and Turkey, but has so far not delivered 13 people appointed by Al Zawahiri, who have assumed command of Al Qaeda in Syria.
- Assad continued to butcher his people throughout the holiest Muslim holidays of the year: if that is not radicalized Tyrannical Islamic Dictatorship, I don’t know what else it could be.
- Assad refused to identify Al Qaeda or cooperate with the United States in documenting information or delivering Al Qaeda to our custody.
The Global Counterterrorism Council delivered the damning public file to Assad on Al Qaeda’s presence in Syria, saying that wielding genocide was inexcusable and had not eradicated terrorism by use of state-sponsored government terrorism and genocide:
The United States charges that Assad has given comfort and sanctuary to our enemy Al Qaeda:
-By failure to identify 13 Al Qaeda commanders and deliver them to US custody for prosecution.
-After delivering information on 15 suspected Al Qaeda members actively operating since June 2012 in Syria, Assad continues to kill more of his own people, and failed to surrender or confirm the intelligence information gathered and shared with him.
-Since the cease fire proposition, Assad has killed twice the amount of people, counts pushing closer to 120,000 than the previously reported 70,000, a heinously egregious violation of human rights and ethical governance.
-Assad has used the presence of Al Qaeda to cloak his personal intentions of ancestral revenge, as he debased the Muslim holy days for his advantage in decimating the civilian population in Syria.
-Assad continues to use secular government to hide his conspiratorial acts against Israel in collaboration with Iran in undermining the region and making war against the United States by harboring its enemies, in a refusal to resolve over a decade of war by strengthening our enemies with the furtherance of chaos, death, and domination of Islam while purporting the exact opposite.
For failure to surrender for humanitarian crimes and deliver our enemy Al Qaeda, the United States proclaims and affirms the invocation of Article 5, as set forth 12/10/12 - 2/10/13 against the former governorate of Syria, its military, and its deposed Commander and President Bashar al-Assad.
The purpose of the invocation is to confiscate and destroy chemical weapons by use of Syrian Revolutionaries acting on their own behalf to prevent exponential genocide, or by the United States’ military intervention of 20,000 Marines or 85,000 troops. If these weapons can be confiscated or destroyed without the use of invasive force, such targets will be identified and destroyed at the behest of our military command. This invocation also warrants such action by our military to thwart any counterattack or threat to our ally Israel, in targeting and destroying 170 hidden ballistic missile sites in Iran, hidden Hamas rocket launchers in Gaza now a 500,000 rocket stash with 600 warheads, and any clandestine and uninspected nuclear labs in Iran. This also includes necessary action to arrest and prosecute Hezbollah, for promoting the cause of terror by acting as a proxy agent on behalf of Iran, being armed with weapons of mass destruction.
The entire world will not be imperiled by the quest of freedom sought by the Syrian people, nor will the entire region be impaired by regional war over areas not even belonging to Iran, for sheer retaliation and abandonment to uphold the value of human life and world relations.
Previously, risks of chemical weapons were assessed, and after Assad could not maintain security in his own country wherein 2 prisons were breached, one in the North and one in the South, Israel destroyed some chemical weapons in transfer to Lebanon via various terrorist groups. The threat and presence of chemical weapons in the region alone meets the standard of warranting invocation of Article 5. However, the risk for nuclear proliferation has increased, with the consensus that Iran has the capability of making nuclear weapons stockpiles, but simply has not loaded the enriched material into warheads. Iran’s new plane has a jumbo warhead that can be used to deliver a substantial blow to a major city or attack what Iran deems as “Zionist religious sites”.
Iran has stated over and over again, for the better part of 7 years now, that it is seeking nuclear advancement to protect itself. At no time have I seen Iran imperiled during these 7 years by what it perceives as hostile American aggression, though there have been disagreements on the execution and abuse of drone policy. Therefore, time has shown us a very different Iran than the words that Iran uses.
Iran recently said that attacking Assad was their “red line”, but Assad’s authority in Syria is currently overthrown by the 2 prison breaks, mass defections, heavy equipment losses, and resorting to an all female Lioness Brigade, for lack of male soldiers.
Even Assad’s own mother and sister do not feel safe in Syria and have fled, and 75% of Syria has been destroyed in large battles since last Summer. Syria looks like Swiss Cheese, it is filled with garbage, dirty water, and Syrian refugees are spilling into Lebanon and other countries. Assad’s most recent remarks of saying that if he destroyed Damascus that he can hold onto power show the malaise, deterioration, and evil by which he operates.
Exile was proposed by Britain initially, to a third world country, but was met with scrutiny due to Assad most likely seeking revenge for being ousted to a third world location. The United States proposed exile to Johnston Atoll instead. Since no one has moved on the offer of exile, the OIC has called for a unified Middle East approach on Syria, as UN peace plans have fallen through twice and have failed to support and resolve disputes amicably between Israel and Gaza, as if that would ever be amicable, though we pray for resolution.
There may come a time soon, with the prosecution Abu Ghaith, with Iran hiding him for 10 years, that we implement use of Johnston Atoll:
We may also implement the use of a no-fly zone to stop the spread of weapons in the region and end this transiting through the jihadist pipeline, but stopping Assad firing upon civilians, particularly Daraaya, Yarmouk, Homs, Hula, Maart
While we had chose to rotate security before, Iraq has asked all weapons to stop coming through their airports and has began checking cargo and passenger planes.
Recently the Ayatollah said they would raize civilian targets in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa if its nuclear infrastructure came under attack from the Jewish state. This effectively closed negotiations on 3/21/13 until October 2013: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1srLugd30bOAE-JVYTMuA1Qk0VtMc-jGJo33ySAzxlbY/edit
Recent words by President Morsi have inflamed newly forged ties with the United States: in 2010 wherein Morsi called Jews and Americans “descendants of apes and pigs, Zionists who suck the blood out of Palestinians”, as Zionists is a common term used to describe Americans. http://www.forbes.com/sites/richardbehar/2013/01/15/finally-white-house-rips-linking-of-jews-to-pigs-by-egypts-morsi-after-forbes-report/ Michele Bachmann warned of this rhetoric and the fraternization that newly departed Sec. Of State Hillary Clinton had with Huma Abedin, that it imperiled our relationship to Egypt, and that the Muslim Brotherhood has ties to Al Qaeda. This is very disconcerting, because while America was aware of Obama’s special interest conflicts in Syria, for which he was removed from command, perhaps Obama did not want his ties to Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood scrutinized, because it would demonstrate treason. Impeachment hearings are scheduled to resume 3/11/13.
Morsi not only breached the 1979 Peace Treaty http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egypt%E2%80%93Israel_Peace_Treaty
by entering zones with tanks belonging to Israel last year, his words incite and indicate regional war.
Many Americans felt that Morsi was throwing down the gauntlet for regional war, and we have seen a power struggle between Assad, Ahmadinejad, and Morsi over who aspires to be “ruler of the Middle East”. All of them have engaged one another on the idea of collectivism of Islamic nations, and all of them have political, religious, or monetary/equipment ties to various terrorist groups: Hamas, Hezbollah, even Al Qaeda and affiliated groups. What really concerns Israel, is how Morsi has exploited the peace treaty to build up armament, first tanks from the United States, and now 4 of 20 F-16 planes.
Contentious votes, whereby the Senate has not heeded the voice of the American people on this ill-conceived alliance with Egypt, in restricting equipment and planes, (especially given our deficit), have come close to being the last straw:
- Morsi was not taken seriously when he joked coarsely, as most were not sure he could remain President, given the mass rejection of the Shariah-laden Constitution.
- However, when it was discovered that fraternization was manipulating the State Department Budget and that arms transactions were occurring around Congress with Benghazi, Americans became very alarmed that these words were meant as a vocal declaration declaring the end of the 1979 Peace Treaty with Israel.
- After all, Morsi’s words and actions indicate that the peace treaty was signed with Sadat, not him.
- Even the decision to name a road after Sadat’s assassin has not been taken back by Morsi, and many feel Sadat was assassinated for entering into a peace treaty lasting nearly 25 years or so, that prevented this very regional instability we now discuss.
Additionally, Ahmadinejad’s visit to Morsi made Iran’s position clear: no P5+1 compliance, no sanctions effectively curbing the nuclear program, and no year-long peace accord -- all were refused and rejected in favor of currency exchange and trade with Morsi.
Not only is this a clear indication that Western efforts have been jilted, but that Iran is dumping Syria for an alliance with Egypt, to fulfill its alliance with Syria.
These are very unsettling developments, which necessitate renewal of Article 5, for Iran does not plan for peace in the Middle East or with others in the world, but is hell bent on creating an axis of resistance to expel Israel, (whose culture, laws, and religion have always conflicted with Islam). This renewal calls for the preservation of our interests in the region of the Middle East and Africa.
After a virtual no-fly zone was achieved by use of drones, we intend to curtail the spread of violence, Islamic jihad, and the potential threat of not just chemical weapons, but nuclear weapons in the region and elsewhere that these weapons can fall into the hands of jihadists, in an attempt to spur global warfare.
The question we have to answer ourselves is: in destroying Taliban children, are we eradicating future threats or are we weaponizing the youth of Egypt and the next generation to continue terrorism in retaliation in a region of chaos fed by lack of economic security?
Collective defence
The principle of collective defence is at the very heart of NATO’s founding treaty. It remains a unique and enduring principle that binds its members together, committing them to protect each other and setting a spirit of solidarity within the Alliance.
This principle is enshrined in Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty. It provides that if a NATO Ally is the victim of an armed attack, each and every other member of the Alliance will consider this act of violence as an armed attack against all members and will take the actions it deems necessary to assist the Ally attacked.
NATO invoked Article 5 of the Washington Treaty for the first time in its history following the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the United States.
A cornerstone of the Alliance
Article 5
- In 1949, the primary aim of the North Atlantic Treaty was to create a pact of mutual assistance to counter the risk that the Soviet Union would seek to extend its control of Eastern Europe to other parts of the continent.
- Every participating country agreed that this form of solidarity was at the heart of the Treaty, effectively making Article 5 on collective defence a key component of the Alliance.
- Article 5 provides that if a NATO Ally is the victim of an armed attack, each and every other member of the Alliance will consider this act of violence as an armed attack against all members and will take the actions it deems necessary to assist the Ally attacked.
- Article 5
- “The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.
- Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.
The “out-of-area” debate
- This article is complemented by Article 6, which stipulates:
- Article 6¹
- “For the purpose of Article 5 an armed attack on one or more of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack on the territory of any of the Parties in Europe or North America, on the Algerian departments of France², on the occupation forces of any Party in Europe, on the islands under the jurisdiction of any Parties in the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer or on the vessels or aircraft in this area of any of the Parties. “
- According to one of the drafters of the Treaty, Theodore C. Achilles, there was no doubt in anybody’s minds that NATO operations could also be conducted south of the Tropic of Cancer³. This was confirmed by foreign ministers in Reykjavik in May 2002 in the context of the fight against terrorism: “To carry out the full range of its missions, NATO must be able to field forces that can move quickly to wherever they are needed, sustain operations over distance and time, and achieve their objectives”. (Extract from the Reykjavik communiqué).
The principle of providing assistance
- With the invocation of Article 5, Allies can provide any form of assistance they deem necessary to respond to a situation. This is an individual obligation on each Ally and each Ally is responsible for determining what it deems necessary in the particular circumstances.
- This assistance is taken forward in concert with other Allies. It is not necessarily military and depends on the material resources of each country. It is therefore left to the judgement of each individual member country to determine how it will contribute. Each country will consult with the other members, bearing in mind that the ultimate aim is to "to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area".
- At the drafting of Article 5 in the late ‘40s, there was consensus on the principle of mutual assistance, but fundamental disagreement on the modalities of implementing this commitment. The European participants wanted to ensure that the United States would automatically come to their assistance should one of the signatories come under attack; the United States did not want to make such a pledge and obtained that this be reflected in the wording of Article 5.
- 1. Article 6 has been modified by Article 2 of the Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of Greece and Turkey.
- 2. On January 16, 1963, the North Atlantic Council modified this Treaty in its decision C-R(63)2, point V, on the independence of the Algerian departments of France.
- 3.Documents on Canadian External Relations, Vol. 15, Ch. IV.
Invocation of Article 5
The 9/11 terrorist attacks
- The United States was the object of brutal terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001. The Alliance's 1999 Strategic Concept already identified terrorism as one of the risks affecting NATO’s security. The Alliance’s response to September 11, however, saw NATO engage actively in the fight against terrorism, launch its first operations outside the Euro-Atlantic area and begin a far-reaching transformation of its capabilities.
An act of solidarity
- On the evening of 12 September 2001, less than 24 hours after the attacks, and for the first time in NATO's history, the Allies invoked the principle of Article 5 of the Washington Treaty. NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, subsequently informed the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the Alliance's decision.
- The North Atlantic Council - NATO’s principal political decision-making body - agreed that if it determined that the attack was directed from abroad against the United States, it would be regarded as an action covered by Article 5. On 2 October, once Council had been briefed on the results of investigations into the 9/11 attacks, it determined that they were regarded as an action covered by Article 5 of the Washington Treaty.
- By invoking Article 5, NATO members showed their solidarity toward the United States and condemned, in the strongest possible way, the terrorist attacks against the United States.
Taking action
- After 9/11, there were consultations among the Allies and collective action was decided by the Council. The United States could also carry out independent actions, consistent with its rights and obligations under the UN Charter.
- On 4 October, once it had been determined that the attacks came from abroad, NATO agreed on a package of eight measures to support the United States. On the request of the US, it launched its first ever anti-terror operation - Eagle Assist - from mid-October 2001 to mid-May 2002. It consisted in seven NATO AWACS radar aircraft that helped patrol the skies over the United States; in total 830 crew members from 13 NATO countries flew over 360 sorties. This was the first time that NATO military assets were deployed in support of an Article 5 operation.
- On 26 October, the Alliance launched its second counter-terrorism operation in response to the attacks on the United States, Active Endeavour. Elements of NATO's Standing Naval Forces were sent to patrol the eastern Mediterranean and monitor shipping to detect and deter terrorist activity, including illegal trafficking. In March 2004, the operation was expanded to include the entire Mediterranean.
This guy should’ve been in jail, long before he blew anything up:
@FBIPressOffice The issue was you having 2 years to catch him, and he was emboldened by his religious quest http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/feds-accused-bombers-dark-side/story?id=19018798#.UXZXkLU3tic …
Feds Look Into Accused Bomber's Dark Side
Boston Bombing Suspect Reportedly Reveals Plot Details
April 22, 2013
In the widening federal probe into the Boston Marathon bombing, authorities are uncovering growing evidence of 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev's violent dark side and increasing disaffection and disgust with things Christian and American.
Tsarnaev, the older of the two brothers accused of detonating explosives near the marathon finish line, died during a firefight with police early Friday morning.
Authorities are working to uncover the details of Tsarnaev's life in the hope their search will help provide a motive for the deadly bombing.
The FBI sought to question Tamerlan's American wife, Katherine Russell, who was seen over the weekend leaving Tsarnaev's Cambridge apartment with her three year old daughter. A Rhode Island native, she converted to Islam and changed her name from Katherine to Karima.
Her lawyer, Amato DeLuca told ABC News that Russell was shocked by recent events.
"She couldn't believe it," DeLuca said. "Imagine, just think of yourself. You got a brother or a father or somebody and you see their picture and it's like wow, what's going on. She was in complete shock."
DeLuca also said Russell works long hours as a health care aid and suspected nothing. She was at work when she heard about his involvement four days after the bombing. DeLuca wouldn't talk about the investigation or if his client has been questioned by the FBI.
Her family issued a statement saying: "In the aftermath of the Patriots' Day horror we know that we never really knew Tamerlane Tsarnaev. Our hearts are sickened by the knowledge of the horror he has inflicted."
Courtesy: The Sun of Lowell, Mass
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, left, accepts the trophy... View Full Size
Boston Bombing Suspect Charged With Using Weapons of Mass Destruction Watch Video
Tamerlan Tsarnaev's Trip Home to Russia Raises Questions for FBI Watch Video
Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Charged Watch Video
Federal authorities also continued to search for more possible explosives. ATF agents searched behind a Cambridge rug store, in an area where the brothers' father used to repair cars.
Evidence of troubled moments in Tsarnaev's past turned up in police records, which showed that his then-girlfriend called 911 in tears to report that he was beating her up. And local prosecutors told ABC News that they are now exploring whether Tamerlan Tsarnaev had any connection to the brutal 2011 murder of three young men, one of whom was a friend and sparring partner.
The three were found with their throats slashed, covered in marijuana and cash.
Authorities are also looking closely at the six month trip Tsarnaev took last year to Russia and Chechnya, at a time that rebel groups there carried out a number of violent attacks. Just last year alone Dagestan lost 115 police officers in almost 300 terror attacks. Investigators want to know whether he met with any of the notoriously fierce extremists there.
Neighbors in Cambridge told ABC News that Tsarnaev was a changed man, swearing off tobacco and alcohol, linking to extremist jihadist videos, and saying, "I don't have a single American friend. I don't understand them." One neighbor said he expressed anger about America and Christianity.
"So with the Bible he believed that it was a cheap copy off the Koran and that it was used as an excuse for many wars fought by America to invade countries and take land away," said Elbrecht Ammon. "He mentioned how America is a colonial power and wants to take as much land as possible and most casualties are innocent people shot down by American soldiers."
Today, the mother of the two brothers, Zubeidat Tsarnaev, told ABC News today from Russia that Tamerlan was always the leader of her two boys, and that after the bombing he called her to say, "Everything is okay, thanks to Allah."
I'd say he's responsible "the three were found with their throats slashed" http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/feds-accused-bombers-dark-side/story?id=19018798#.UXZXkLU3tic … @FBIPressOffice consistent with beliefs
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but I tell you this: Osama attacked us on Assad's birthday and Iran is corrupt https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151530945788670&set=a.79091778669.74391.773523669&type=1&theater …
Boston bomb suspects also wanted to attack New York: officials
By Edith Honan and Mark Hosenball | Reuters – Thu, Apr 25, 2013
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By Edith Honan and Mark Hosenball
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The two men suspected of carrying out last week's deadly Boston Marathon bombing decided after authorities identified them to drive to Manhattan and set off additional explosives in Times Square, New York City officials said on Thursday.
Their plan unraveled only when they realized that a Mercedes sport utility vehicle they had hijacked on April 18, three days after the bombing, did not have enough gasoline for the journey, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said.
New York has been on heightened alert since the September 11, 2001, hijacked plane attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center. Officials said the Tsarnaev brothers' alleged impromptu plan showed America's most populous city remained a magnet for those who want to strike at the United States.
Times Square was the target of an attempted car bombing in May 2010. A Pakistan-born U.S. citizen was arrested, admitted to the plot and is serving a life prison term.
In the sharpest criticism of President Barack Obama's security policies since the blasts, a Senate Republican said the Boston bombing attack - which killed three people and injured 264 others, illustrated a "broken" national security system.
Kelly said investigators learned of the alleged Times Square plan while questioning the surviving suspect, 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, in his hospital bed in Boston. Tsarnaev has been recovering from his wounds there since being captured on Friday night after an all-day manhunt that shut down much of Boston.
"Questioning of Dzhokhar revealed that he and his brother decided spontaneously on Times Square as a target," Kelly told a news conference with Mayor Michael Bloomberg. "They would drive to Times Square that same night.
"That plan, however, fell apart when they realized that the vehicle that they hijacked was low on gas and ordered the driver to stop at a nearby gas station," Kelly said.
At the time, the men still had six explosive devices, including a pressure-cooker bomb of the type used at the marathon and six pipe bombs, he said.
When they stopped to fill up the vehicle, the driver of the car escaped, Kelly said. The driver alerted authorities and sparked a late-night car chase across the university town of Cambridge, where police said the brothers shot and killed a Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus police officer.
Earlier on April 18, the FBI identified the ethnic Chechen brothers as suspects in the Boston bombing, releasing pictures and video of them at the scene.
The chase ended in an extended gun battle in suburban Watertown in which authorities said the suspects threw improvised explosives at police. The older suspect, 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was shot and died of his wounds.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured the next night in Watertown, hiding in a boat parked in the backyard of a house. He was formally charged on Monday in the hospital with crimes that could carry the death penalty.
His lawyer, Miriam Conrad, declined to comment on Thursday on whether her client was still talking with investigators.
The U.S. Marshals Service, which is responsible for holding and transporting suspects outside of prison, declined to comment on whether or when he might be moved from the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
The father of the brothers said he planned to travel to the United States from Russia to bury his older son, Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
"I am going to the United States. I want to say that I am going there to see my son, to bury the older one. I don't have any bad intentions. I don't plan to blow up anything," Anzor Tsarnaev told reporters in Makhachkala, the capital of Russia's Dagestan region.
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick said investigators might be interested in speaking to the parents.
"There are a lot of questions unanswered about the whys and the hows, and anybody who may be able to shed some light on that is of interest to law enforcement," Patrick said.
Boston Marathon bombing victim Marc Fucarile's step mother Andrea (L) and father Edward walk away from the podium holding photographs of him after the family read a statement about his condition at ...more
Anzor Tsarnaev's former wife, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, angrily denied that her son had any role in the attack and criticized police for shooting her 26-year-old son while apprehending him.
Tsarnaeva does not plan to accompany her former husband on his trip. One factor that may have influenced Zubeidat Tsarnaeva's decision not to travel with her former husband is an outstanding arrest warrant in Massachusetts.
A warrant for Zubeidat Tsarnaeva's arrest was issued on October 25 after she failed to make a court appearance on shoplifting-related charges, according to Natick District Court Clerk Brian Kearney.
Tsarnaeva was arrested in June at a department store on suspicion of shoplifting $1,624 worth of women's dresses, according to the Natick Police Department.
In Washington, the focus remained on intelligence leading up to the Boston Marathon bombing. Tamerlan Tsarnaev had been on a federal database of potential terrorism suspects and the United States had twice been warned about him by Russian authorities. Congressional testimony earlier in the week focused on whether the FBI made mistakes in tracking him.
"We're in the post-event witch-hunt phase, which is predictable," said James Clapper, director of national intelligence, at a conference in Crystal City, Virginia. "I think it would be a real good idea to not hyperventilate for a while now until we actually get all the facts."
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham told CNN he blamed the administration for failing to stop the attack.
"I just know the system is broken. The ultimate blame I think is with the administration," the South Carolina senator said, linking the bombings with last year's killing of a U.S. diplomat during an attack on a diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.
"Between Benghazi and Boston, to me we're going backwards, not forward, in terms of national security," Graham said.
(Additional reporting by Tim McLaughlin, Svea Herbst-Bayliss, Aaron Pressman, Ross Kerber in Boston, Deborah Charles in Crystal City, Virginia, Alissa de Carbonnel in Makhachkala, Russia, and Atossa Araxia Abrahamian in New York; Writing by Scott Malone; Editing by Paul Thomasch, Grant McCool and Peter Cooney)
Source reveals research included high-value targets inside U.S.
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Qasem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s Quds Forces, ordered reconnaissance and intelligence gathering on various events and public gatherings in the United States years ago, culminating in the bombings at the Boston Marathon one week ago, WND has learned.
According to a source within Iran’s intelligence services, the Islamic regime’s Quds Forces, a special unit of the Revolutionary Guards in charge of extraterritorial operations, have done extensive planning on gatherings, events and high-value targets in the United States for some time, but for two years focused on events such as the Boston Marathon.
The source had earlier provided information that tied the Islamic regime to the Boston attack and pointed to the collaboration of the regime’s Quds Forces with the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah and elements of al-Qaida with links to an operational center in South Asia. He said that under Quds Force guidance, Hezbollah recruited sympathizers through collaborators connected to South Asia for terrorist activities in the U.S.
Another source in December told WND that the Quds Forces had drawn up plans for terrorist attacks in the U.S. starting within six months and that an operational team was in the United States to prepare for the attacks. He also said then that suicide bombers and potential terrorists were ready to attack Canada and European countries, including France and England.
In Canada, police said today they had foiled a terror plot. They reported that the two accused in the case were getting “direction and guidance” from al-Qaida elements in Iran.
The plan was to be automatically launched if America did not accept Iran’s nuclear program, if sanctions increased or a military confrontation took place. The regime felt it must act because current sanctions, which have already devastated Iran’s economy, could spark civilian rioting.
Another worry for the regime, the December source said, was that the push to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad would be a big blow to the Islamic regime and its activities in the region.
Editor’s note: Because of its importance, this writer immediately contacted Congressman Peter King at home and informed the New York Republican of the imminent threat. He urged that I contact his office the next day. The conversation was held with his aide, Kevin Caroll, who was not receptive and mostly dismissive.
Ultimately the information was shared with two U.S. agencies, which took the warning seriously. However, despite weeks of extensive work with the agencies, the informant could not provide accurate details of any specific operation.
But days before the Boston bombing, the source said, “My words will be proven.”
The new source in the Guards intelligence unit said the regime’s Quds Forces collaborated with Hezbollah and their operational centers in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. The operational support teams on the Boston bombings can be linked to those centers, he said.
He also said those centers are actively recruiting a new wave of terrorists from non-Arabs and from Islam’s Sunni sect to avoid any trace back to Shiite Iran and Hezbollah and to either present an apparent link to al-Qaida or individuals acting on their own.
Their goal, he said, is to divert attention to Saudi Arabia and other Sunni countries that are in a proxy war with Iran over leadership in the region. As Iran is trying to destabilize Bahrain, Yemen and Saudi Arabia itself, those countries are trying to destabilize Syria, where Saudi Arabia and other Sunni states hope to oust Assad and confront Hezbollah.
Iran is prepared to continue such attacks within the U.S. homeland to create fear and uncertainty and divert America’s push to stop Iran’s nuclear program and oust Assad, he said.
In that regard, Iran extended its recruitment operations to the Caucasus, Dagestan and Chechnya, a move that Russia has denounced. Iran also has a major operational center in Azerbaijan, where tensions between that government and the Islamic regime remain high. Many terrorists have been arrested within Azerbaijan.
As previously reported, the two brothers who set off the bombs at the Boston Marathon were assets of a bigger network and were set up to be burned so there would be no link back to their handlers – and Iran. The source added that in the view of the Islamic regime, the terrorist attack in Boston was a success because U.S. homeland security was breached, much fear was created, and international media spread details of the attack — all with no direct link to the regime itself.
Based on information from a former member of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards intelligence unit who defected to a Scandinavian country, it was reported last year that the Islamic regime’s agents were active in the U.S. and were working to acquire intelligence that might be useful in terror attacks. The agents work on Americans who have converted to Islam with offers of a trip to the Iranian city of Qom, the site of hotbed seminaries and the center of Shia theology, where they are brainwashed and offered collaboration. The agents also use Islamic centers and mosques in the U.S. and other countries to recruit assets. The information was shared with U.S. officials.
An Iranian media site connected to the Quds Forces today reacted to WND’s exclusive report on April 16 that blamed the regime for the Boston attack, without denying the connection between the Chechen brothers to networks related to Hezbollah and the Quds Forces. The site likened the WND report to previous “claims” by the Obama administration about the terror plot on a Saudi diplomat in America, which it claimed was mocked internationally.
The source said the lack of a serious response by the Obama administration to that terror plot by Iran had only emboldened the regime to become more aggressive with its terrorist activities.
- We all lit that fuse
- Both of the Tsarnaev brothers, with no outside help
- Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older brother alone
- Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the younger brother alone
- Muslim terrorists who trained the Tsarnaev brothers
- The Islamic faith, which encourages infidels to be killed
- Saudi Arabia
- Iran
- Big Sis and her Muslim-coddling "security" agency
- Barack Obama, for not cracking down on Islamic terrorists
- The U.S. media, for suppressing the fact that Muslims are in a holy war against America
- Dark forces within the U.S. government
- Some yet-to-be-disclosed party
- Other
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/04/quds-forces-planned-boston-bombings-for-2-years/#qI1beJr8IYKTRVR7.99
@President_Iran You want to talk about sovereignty?! You are sounding as bad as Pakistan right about now, with all that corruption YOU SPEW!
Do not toy with me @President_Iran http://news.yahoo.com/iran-denies-canada-terror-plot-suspects-083030339.html … you withheld Abu Ghaith from us over a period of 10 years/gave him sanctuary!
It should be called "CONSPIRE" not "INSPIRE" @President_Iran http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/04/23/17881308-slick-al-qaeda-online-magazine-aims-to-train-a-generation-of-killers?lite …
Slick al Qaeda online magazine aims to train a generation of killers
FBI via AP
This image from an FBI and Department of Homeland Security bulletin shows the remains of a pressure cooker that the FBI says was part of one of the bombs that exploded during the Boston Marathon. The surviving suspect has told investigators that he and his brother were inspired by an al Qaeda online magazine, federal officials say.
By Erin McClam, Staff Writer, NBC News
It is as slickly designed as any magazine you would find at the supermarket checkout line, or in the seat pocket in front of you on an airplane. It even has snappy cover headlines — teasing articles like “Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom.”
And now Inspire, the recruitment magazine of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, probably has its next cover story: It allegedly helped inspire the two brothers accused of bombing the Boston Marathon.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the hospitalized suspect in the marathon attack, has told federal investigators that the brothers got information on building bombs from Inspire, law enforcement officials told NBC News.
The magazine, which terrorism monitoring groups say was published for the first time in 2010, exists mostly as PDFs and obscure links passed around the Web. In the Internet era, shutting it down would be virtually impossible, terrorism experts say.
It is published in English and targeted at Western audiences, particularly young readers who might have inclinations toward terrorism.
“It’s one thing to have Osama bin Laden speaking and subtitles, and how interesting is that going to be to a young, radicalized individual? As opposed to lots of graphics,” said Oren Segal, director of the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism.
One issue, published in the summer of 2010, illustrated just how closely Inspire copied the eye-catching design of American magazines. Articles about jihad are advertised in the same style that Western publications use for 30-minute recipes or sex advice.
In the summer 2010 issue, headlines invited readers to check out an “Exclusive Interview with Shaykh Abu Basir.” Another advertised a piece about “Mujahideen 101.” At the bottom of the cover: “What to Expect in Jihad.”
Other articles have offered blueprints for destroying buildings and carrying out attacks against cars, trains and malls — particularly small operations to unnerve the enemy because “hitting him in his backyard drives him crazy.”
The advice for radicals is so practical, said Bruce Riedel, director of the Intelligence Project at the Brookings Institution, that it even offered advice on what to wear if you go on jihad — good shoes.
“The message,” Riedel said, “is you can advance jihad in your home neighborhood. You can strike America or Canada or whatever at home and become a hero. And here’s how to do it.”
NBC's Pete Williams outlines the charges against Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and the types of questions authorities are asking him now that he is able to communicate, as well as a foiled bomb plot on a train in Canada.
The same 2010 issue included instructions on precisely how to use a kitchen pressure cooker, explosives and shrapnel to produce a bomb — the exact method of attack that authorities say the Tsarnaev brothers used in Boston.
On the cover, the article was teased as being written by “The AQ Chef.”
Inspire was the brainchild of Samir Khan, a young blogger and Photoshop whiz from Charlotte, N.C., who moved to Yemen in 2009 and leveraged his skills to help al Qaeda produce a magazine that could appeal to young would-be radicals.
He was killed in September 2011, at age 25, by an American drone strike in Yemen that also killed Anwar al-Awlaki, a prominent radical cleric. Since Khan’s death, terrorism analysts said, the magazine has taken on a less professional look.
Part of the magazine’s appeal to its audience, the analysts said, is that it engages its readers: It invites them to share stories of their jihad skills. And getting published, just as it might in Time or People, imparts a certain celebrity status.
Jose Pimentel, an Algerian immigrant sentenced to 10 years in prison for plotting to blow up churches and synagogues in Manhattan, maintained a website with bomb-making instructions copied from Inspire, the ADL said.
And Naser Jason Abdo, a former American soldier sentenced to life for planning to use pressure-cooker bombs in an attack on a Texas restaurant, was found with a copy of the Inspire “Kitchen of Your Mom” article.
“Nothing makes them feel more empowered than having their materials published,” Segal said. “Frankly, that’s just really good marketing. Fortune 500 companies are trying to engage their demographics this way.”
Because it spreads through chat boards and email, just as a dishy story about a Kardashian might, or a rumor about the next Apple product, the magazine is almost certainly read by thousands of people. It is impossible to say for sure.
“It becomes viral very fast, and people share it the way people used to pass around baseball cards,” Segal said.
The magazine’s link to the Boston case is critical, terrorism analysts said. While investigators have said Dzhokhar Tsarnaev claimed no links to terror groups, the mention of Inspire shows that the brothers were influenced by al Qaeda, they said.
“Inspire magazine was intended to inspire and instruct,” Riedel said. “And I think they can say it worked.”
Pete Williams and Robert Windrem of NBC News contributed to this report. Reuters and The Associated Press also contributed.
Aja Brooks
11 hours ago via Twitter
My suggestion? @Boston_Police cremate the body, and then dump the ashes down Al Zawahiri's throat, since they don't see ashes as sacred.
First Published: 2013-04-07
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Zawahiri urges establishment of Islamic state in Syria to help return of Caliphate
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Al-Qaeda chief calls on rebels to fight to establish Islamic state in Syria, warns France against its military intervention in Mali.
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Middle East Online
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DUBAI - Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri has urged rebels to fight to establish an Islamic state in Syria, in an online audio message Sunday in which he also warned France against its military intervention in Mali.
"Let your fight be in the name of Allah and with the aim of establishing Allah's sharia (law) as the ruling system," he said in his first message posted on the Internet since last November.
"Do all that you can so that your holy war yields a jihadist Islamic state," said Zawahiri, adding that such a state would help to re-establish the Islamic "caliphate" system of rule.
"The enemy has begun to reel and collapse," he said, referring to forces loyal to Assad.
Islamist rebel groups such as the Al-Nusra Front, which has links to Al-Qaeda, have eschewed the main opposition National Coalition, making it clear their goal is the creation of an Islamic state to replace President Bashar al-Assad's regime.
Zawahiri's message will not sit easily with Western powers, who have expressed fears of extremist Islamism playing a growing role in the Syrian conflict and are reluctant to arm the rebels on the ground.
Assad's regime has long dismissed the rebels as "terror" groups backed by Western powers and driven by Al-Qaeda-style ideologies.
The United Nations says more than 70,000 people have been killed in Syria's two-year conflict, which broke out after the army unleashed a brutal crackdown against dissent, turning the uprising into a bloody insurgency.
Zawahiri in his message also warned France over its military involvement against Islamists in Mali, saying it will be defeated in the same way, according to him, the Americans were defeated in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"I warn France that it will face, God willing, the same faced by America in Iraq and Afghanistan," said the man who took over the leadership of Al-Qaeda after Osama bin Laden was killed by a US commando in May 2011.
"I call upon our Muslim nation in Mali to hold and be patient, and hopefully, effect a new defeat to the global crusade," he added.
France sent troops to Mali in January to block an advance on Bamako from the north by Islamist fighters. But it is preparing to hand over to a UN-mandated African force of 6,300 in the coming weeks.
Aja Brooks
2 hours ago via Twitter
Retweeted Syrian Revolution (@RevolutionSyria):
Assad regime has murdered some 100,000 people using WMD and yet the world is unsure if Assad has committed war crimes!…
@ushomelandsec IF SAUDI ARABIA PLACES 85 OF THE FAMILY ON THE MOST WANTED LIST @JanetNapoIitano https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151522451778670.1073741835.773523669&type=3 … … DUH @ChuckGrassley
Deported Saudi National Al-Harbi 85 of clan are Al Qaeada members
Updated about a week ago
Saudi Ministry of the Interior releases list of New Most Wanted http://aalhameed1.net/vb/showthread.php?t=1565
Home » Feature » BREAKING, UPDATED WITH MUST-SEE VIDEO: Megyn Kelly Reports FBI Now Believes 3rd Bomber May Have Been Involved
ORIGINAL POST, UPDATE WITH VIDEO BELOW: We’re working to get the video, but I wanted to get this up asap. Megyn Kelly and Catherine Herridge just reported that the FBI believes the Boston Marathon bombs were detonated by someone standing within line-of-sight of the bombs, using a a toy car speed controller, and that therefor they are now considering the possibility of a 3rd bomber. This adds some credence to Glenn Beck’s reporting on the Saudi, and also points out how much intel we have lost due to the cutting off of the interrogation of Djhokhar just 16 hours into what was legally supposed to be at least a 48 hour investigation.
UPDATE FROM Fox News Insider, with video below: Fox News chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge reports that the bombs used in the Boston Marathon attack did not rely on cell phone detonators, using a “line of sight” speed controller from a remote control toy car as the trigger. It is not known what the range is on the specific controller that was used, but it is typically 250 yards or less.
The national security source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said it is believed one or both of the brothers used the controllers to detonate the bombs, but the involvement of a third person to trigger the devices still has not been ruled out.
Related – Beck’s Bombshell: Obama Is Hiding Third Boston Marathon Terrorist, Plans To Sneak Him Out Of Country
Related – FBI ‘Stunned’ As DOJ Mysteriously Shuts Down Boston Jihadi Interrogation Before Truth Can Be Learned
The Free Syrian Army Chief of Staff tells me he has “CLEAR” proof #Syrian govt has used chemical weapons... coming up on @CNNi 2100CET 3pET
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
@ISCOSEU Well, duh @ushomelandsec @JanetNapoIitano https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151522451778670.1073741835.773523669&type=3 …
Glenn Beck- Big Sis Lied: New Info On Saudi National In Boston Attacks Confirms Cover Up.: From the April 24, ... http://bit.ly/Zrq3Sw
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
@RevolutionSyria Ask around: who did Iran/Hezbollah fund to commission Boston Marathon to stint support/create hate? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMs4lW6KjPc&list=PLlHO5y8dV8T8HCGFo16aWTfDzJuzRIrov …
Boston Bombing Suspect’s Mother Was Also in U.S. Terrorism Database
Apr 26, 2013 5:45pm
(Image Credit: Musa Sadulayev/AP Photo)
The name of the mother of alleged Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev was placed in a U.S. terrorism database at the same time as her son’s was in October 2011.
The CIA requested that both their names be placed in the U.S. government’s terrorism database known as TIDE (Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment) after it received information from the Russian government that it considered the pair to be potential Islamic militants. An earlier FBI investigation prompted by another Russian request determined that Tamerlan Tsarnaev had no ties to terrorism.
Tsarnaev died in a fierce gun fight with Boston police last week. He and his younger brother, Dzhokhar, are accused of carrying out the bombings at the Boston Marathon that killed three and injured more than 260. Dzokhar Tsarnaev, 19, is in the Federal Medical Center Devens, about 40 miles from Boston.
On Thursday, at a news conference in Makhachkala, Russia, Zubeidat Tsarnaev said her sons had been “framed” by U.S. authorities, and she denied that her son had made contacts with Islamist militants during an extended visit to Russia last year.
Inclusion on the TIDE list of 700,000 names does not mean an individuals are suspected of carrying out terrorist activities or that they require surveillance or face travel restrictions. Instead, the list, maintained by the National Counterterrorism Center, serves as the base point for relevant federal agencies to come up with more specific watch lists that match their criteria, such as the Transportation Security Administration’s no-fly list.
Earlier in the week U.S. officials confirmed that Russia’s intelligence agency, the FSB, had made two separate requests of the FBI and the CIA to investigate Tamerlan Tsarnaev for potential ties to Islamic extremists. The FBI’s investigation in early 2011 concluded that Tsarnaev did not have ties to terror groups. That information was conveyed to the FSB, but the FBI never received a response.
The intelligence official says that a subsequent FSB request sent to the CIA in September 2011 to investigate Tamerlan Tsarnaev also contained information about his mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva.
The official said the Russian request indicated the pair were considered to be strong believers in Islam and potential militants, and it was feared they might cause trouble if they came back to Russia.
A U.S. official said earlier this week that the CIA had “nominated” Tamarlan Tsarnaev’s name for inclusion in the TIDE database out of “an abundance of caution.” It was later determined that the alternate spelling of his names and dates of birth provided by Russia to the CIA were all incorrect.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev was also included in a separate database in the spring of 2011 as the FBI tried to determine whether he had conducted any foreign travel.
Those entries place in TECS — the Treasury Enforcement and Communication System — remain active for only a year.
This was the database that Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told a Senate panel Tuesday had “pinged” when Tsarnaev left the United States in January 2012 on a six-month trip to Russia. The trip has been a focus of speculation that Tsarnaev might have made contact with or received terrorist training in the Dagestan region where he was visiting relatives.
A U.S. official explained that the positive hit when Tsarnaev left the United States resulted in the Joint Terrorism Task Force’s being notified that he had left the country. It is unclear which federal agency within the task force would have actually received the notification of his travel and what was done with the information.
When Tsarnaev returned to the United States in June 2012, there was no “ping” of his TECS database entry because it had already expired. TIDE entries do not expire, but there was also no positive hit in the TIDE database because it turned out that all of the personal details provided to the CIA by Russia were inaccurate.
According to the official, even if Tsarnaev’s name and details had been accurately fed into the TIDES database, U.S. customs officials would have found that the FBI’s investigation had been closed and that it had not been determined that he was a threat.
Furthermore, even if the TECS database entry for Tsarnaev had not expired after a year, that, too, would have brought up the information that his case had been closed.
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Reports indicate Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was mirandizedby Federal Judge Marianne Bowler against the wishes of investigators who wanted to continue questioning the suspect.
As news has come out of Bowler's actions on April 22, Republican lawmakers have pressed the DOJ to explain "why it didn't make a stronger bid to resist the judge's plans."
These lawmakers include House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI), who said, "We have a longstanding tradition that the judiciary does not interfere with investigations. This sets a very dangerous precedent."
DOJ spokesman Dean Boyd said that after the first "sealed charges" against Tsarnaev were filed with Judge Bowler on Sunday, April 21, it was clear "the hearing would be on Monday." At that point, Boyd says, "The rules of criminal procedure require the court to inform the defendant of his right to silence."
On Monday, April 22, Judge Bowler mirandized Tsarnaev in his hospital room. Officials say the bombing suspect stopped talking to investigators once he was read his Miranda rights.
Courts-do we need to enact more reforms on terrorism and how does law enforcement see the problem. What about other issues of county deficits?
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice @Boston_Police We must weigh value of sparing his life and him paying restitution for damages.
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice @Boston_Police My concern: by levying the penalty of death due, do we sensationalize his crime?
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice @Boston_Police considering he faces 100+ life w/no parole and restitution, death is easy
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice @Boston_Police death penalty would be applicable in GA, but not in MA http://www.nodp.org/ma/s1.html
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice @Boston_Police malice murder gives families civil recourse to sue in avoiding the death penalty
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice @Boston_Police He can be tried for malice murder, 4 counts, and attempted genocide by WMD
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice @Boston_Police that's only if Dzokhar even recovers from injuries to speak or to write it out
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice @Boston_Police I want 4 names from the cell 60 mi. away&restitution for all costs-work release
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice 25 years for each life=100 years @Boston_Police burial costs, medical bills, and cost to police
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice 4 deaths: the child, the American young woman, the Asian young woman and officer 4x25=100 years
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice Dzokhar should be put to death as any other man, who turns on his own kind like an animal.
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice Dzokhar should be tried and convicted, not given a plea out to eat off the taxpayer for 50 yrs.
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice If Dzokhar is not considered for the death penalty, he is costing the system for these murders.
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice 50yr. prison sentence, plus restitution of the injured, and the cost to police that he owes.
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice 2 lives taken, that's 25 yrs. each prison sentence, medical bills of injured, police expenses.
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice You say if he does not tell the truth he can face the death penalty with others apprehended.
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice You tell Dzokhar-he is charged as working on behalf of enemy combatants https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_combatant …
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice Even then Dzokhar may not be of much use to us unlike the others arrested 60 mi. away.
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice Before Dzokhar can be rendered an enemy combatant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_combatant … as runner or recruit
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice Dzokhar will have to be connected to Syria cells, Iraqi Al Qaeda, jihadist pipeline, Mali group
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice Al Qaeda in Iraq tried to use Dzokhar to raise their flag over the race pic.twitter.com/O9GN9c8SqI
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice The info yesterday will have to be used to determine Dzokhar status https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_combatant …
@SenCarlLevin What we need now is serious ground work, (period).
@SenCarlLevin Al Qaeda can not get into the country anymore without notice: we dotted our i's (planes) crossed our t's (embassies)
@SenCarlLevin Al Qaeda is recruiting young people who are not from Syria or countries we aren't in state of war with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_combatant …
@SenCarlLevin We are in a default state of war with Syria, and there are connections to Al Qaeda, jihadist pipeline, from Syria to Mali.
@SenCarlLevin We are not in a state of war with Russia or Chechnya, so the term 'enemy combatant' can not be used https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_combatant …
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice We are now in flag vs. flag than structured warfare requiring such term https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_combatant …
@BarackObama @TheJusticeDept @FBIPressOffice We are not at war with Chechnya, so Dzokhar is not an enemy combatant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_combatant …
We should know after talking to Dzokhar if he was a runner or recruited by his brother @BarackObama @TheJusticeDept
We must do @BarackObama @TheJusticeDept what is best for Obama's safety and for public safety. We should know very soon what to do.
Senator Carl Levin Verified account @SenCarlLevin20 Apr
Carl has just issued a statement on the detention of the Boston bombing suspect. Read it on his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/carllevin
@SenCarlLevin When you have an act of jihad, who CLEARLY became a citizen to enact jihad, you have renunciation of citizenship and basis
5:27 PM - 20 Apr 13
Devens Federal Medical Center in Devens, Mass. (Elise Amendola/AP)
Tsarnaev Released From Hospital
Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was released from the hospital Friday and taken to Fort Devens, a prison for inmates who need medical care. At Fort Devens, he'll be joining Raj Rajaratnam, 55, the former head of the Galleon Group who is serving 11 years for insider trading. Tsarnaev spent a week hospitalized for multiple gunshot wounds—one to his neck—which he sustained during a massive manhunt that shut down Boston just one week ago. Meanwhile, new intelligence shows that Russian authorities warned the U.S. just nine months ago about the Tsarnaev brothers’ long trip to their country, but they only told a single member of Boston’s Joint Terrorism Task Force and not state and local authorities.
April 26, 2013 10:57 AM
American Forces Press Service
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Lebanon dragged in as Hezbollah joins
Syria war
By Oliver Holmes | Reuters – 15 hrs ago
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By Oliver Holmes
BAALBEK, Lebanon (Reuters) - Along north Lebanon's highways, the portraits of Hezbollah militants who have died in skirmishes with Israel are fading. But there are glistening photos of those killed in Hezbollah's new fight.
These men died in Syria, battling alongside the army of Hezbollah's close ally President Bashar al-Assad against rebel units in a conflict which has killed more than 70,000 people and risks reigniting Lebanon's 15-year sectarian civil war.
The Shi'ite Muslim group, designated a terrorist organization by the United States, is the most effective military body in Lebanon and its growing involvement in Syria's quagmire has angered Lebanese Sunni rebel sympathizers.
The Hezbollah stronghold of Baalbek, famed for its colossal Roman ruins, now feels like a garrison town. Hezbollah men in military fatigues and police outfits are everywhere. As are Jeeps and Chevrolets with blacked-out windows - the group's vehicles of choice.
On Wednesday afternoon, machine gun fire rang out through Baalbek's narrow streets, signaling the arrival of another dead Hezbollah fighter from Syria, 12 km (7 miles) to the east.
Around 30 of his comrades quickly aligned in the street and straightened their green berets, readying themselves to carry the corpse on their shoulders.
"We have one or two of these funerals every day in Baalbek," said a young electronics shopkeeper, who asked to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of the issue.
A Hezbollah policeman in a polyester blue shirt told Reuters not to film the public funeral. "There are five or six Hezbollah martyrs every day from northern Lebanon," he said quietly, ushering the car away.
Lebanon endured a military presence by its historically dominant neighbor for 29 years until 2005 and has tried to maintain a policy of "dissociation" from Syria's once-peaceful uprising against four decades of family rule that turned violent after Assad's men killed and arrested thousands.
But insulating Lebanon's four million people from Syria proved impossible; refugees flooded in, Sunni villagers along the border began giving shelter, food and medical care to Syrian rebels and rebel supporters in Lebanon sent guns and fighters across the border to fight Assad's troops.
With no command structure, how many is hard to establish, but 12 Lebanese gunmen were killed by the Syrian army near Homs in November and residents in the Lebanese coastal town of Tripoli, where Sunnis sporadically clash with Alawites, say some local Sunnis fight in Syria, too.
Assad has told Lebanon, where power is distributed between Sunni Muslims, Maronite Christians and Shi'ite Muslims, it must help him fight what he calls "foreign-backed terrorist groups".
His men have regularly fired mortars into Lebanon and occasionally entered in pursuit of fleeing Syrian rebels.
Hezbollah, which was formed as a resistance group to the Israeli occupation during Lebanon's own civil war between 1975 and 1990, has been called in to help.
It maintains that it is keeping its weapons and huge missile caches to defend the country, but fighting a foreign war has stretched the definition of the group's mandate, angering those Lebanese who want to distance the country from Syria.
Officially, Hezbollah denies fighting in Syria. Asked about the latest escalation in the border area, Ibrahim Mussawi, Hezbollah's media relations officer, said: "For two years it has been our official policy not to comment."
But the secret is an open one. Michael Young, an opinion writer for the Beirut-based Daily Star, said in a column on Thursday that the pressure is likely coming from Shi'ite Iran, Hezbollah's main financier and supporter of Assad, who is himself an Alawite, an offshoot of Shi'ism.
"Hezbollah's becoming cannon fodder for the Syrian regime, at Iran's request, is not something the party must relish," he wrote. "There is a price to pay for Hezbollah's pushing the boundaries of Lebanon's sectarian system to its limits. And this price may be the party's gradual destruction, or worse, a Lebanese sectarian civil war."
Late on Wednesday, prominent Syrian opposition figure Moaz Alkhatib issued a direct appeal to Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah to withdraw fighters from Syria to prevent sectarian war engulfing the Middle East.
"The blood of your sons in Lebanon should not be spilled fighting our oppressed sons in Syria," Alkhatib said in a video message, following days of heavy fighting in Syria's Homs border province where rebels say Hezbollah is most active.
"Hezbollah's intervention in Syria has complicated matters greatly," he said.
Alkhatib, a Sunni former preacher in Damascus, said Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims had to overcome "a thousand years of strife" between their communities, or risk an explosion of sectarian conflict reaching from Syria and Lebanon to Turkey and Iran.
But already there have been calls to arms by influential Sunni Muslim preachers in Lebanon against Hezbollah, the "Party of God", risking a return to Lebanese bloodshed.
One of the most outspoken, Ahmad al-Assir, urged his supporters to fight Hezbollah inside Syria to help rebel groups, many of whom are hardline Islamist.
And on Saturday, Syria's al Qaeda-linked al-Nusra front broadcast a statement on the opposition Orient Television, saying rebel brigades would "move the battle into Lebanon" if the Hezbollah-backed offensive in Homs continued.
The statement said rebels would use tanks and missiles to hit Baalbek and move fighters into Lebanese territory to attack Hezbollah there.
Over the past two weeks, eight Grad rockets have landed in Shi'ite Hermel, a sprawling agricultural town of around 100,000 next to the Orontes river on Lebanon's border with Syria and about 45 km (28 miles) north of Baalbek.
One empty building was hit along Hermel's main thoroughfare, leaving a meter-wide hole. Another hit a house next to an orphanage further into the town and shrapnel pock-marked a nearby house. None have caused injuries, yet.
The mayor of Hermel, Hajj Saqr, said the missiles were fired by Syrian rebels, or as he calls them: "terrorists".
"If (the rebels) want change, then why do they fire into Lebanon?" he asked, saying Hermel has taken in 4,000 Syrian refugee families and helped the wounded.
"If the terrorists continue to attack and enter Lebanon, then we will protect ourselves," he said.
Saqr denied that men from his pro-Hezbollah town are making the 10 km (six mile) trip north to fight in Syria.
He said only that Lebanese citizens living just within Syria have set up their own civilian militia to protect themselves. Hezbollah also says its members in Lebanese-populated villages in Syria are "defending themselves."
But further up the road to Syria, lined with pictures of Assad and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, there is an evident military buildup. Hezbollah fighters are everywhere, some carrying big bags and walking north.
The group's private ambulance service runs back and forth across the Orontes. And as frogs croak by the river, a Syrian air force jet briefly enters Lebanese airspace before banking sharply and releasing two bombs on a town over the border.
(Additional reporting by Dominic Evans; editing by Philippa Fletcher)
Carrie Johnson @johnson_carrie24 Apr
Senators held their 1st ever public hearing on #drones. Yemeni who loves the US says they're not making us safe. http://www.npr.org/178753575
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
Lawmakers Want To Avoid Drone Strike Abuses : NPR
Aja Brooks The boycott in your honor was such a success in your memory, it cashed out the entire Democrats' war chest in 6 months. Here is the final report that shows Obama, Hillary, and Susan Rice willfully lied to the public and again, sworn under oath, about the circumstances of your death. Now the question is Chris, did they lie, because they are afraid of being targets themselves, did they lie to try to protect their reputation and fail, or was it something more sinister?
Someone knew you were meeting with Turkey just hours before the attack, and the media refused to touch it, though we knew you were alive at 1pm in the afternoon, shortly before the protests started. Here is the full report http://www.speaker.gov/sites/speaker.house.gov/files/documents/libya-progress-report.pdf May you rest in peace. Had it not been for your death that compelled me to follow the daily events in the Middle East and the information we collected with the Global Counterterrorism Council, thousands could have been killed at the Boston Marathon bombing, and we'd not have the information to stop other attacks. If anything worth your death, was the refusal to take at face value what happened to you, and not use it for something good. For me personally, it was the catalyst for me taking the world stage with other leaders in sharing the power together for good in collaboration, peace, and good trade. This is the best way to honor what you were trying to do. If we build the walls in the Middle East to stop jihad, it will be a personal testament to your legacy.
I have not forgotten Texas @NorthKoreaBoss you pretend very well planting rice and such! http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/04/25/south-korea-demands-talks-with-north-korea-on-closed-factory/ … Do you not rescind closure?
Fox News
Tea Party Chief @2013_TeaParty Protected account 23 Apr
That is my precondition for negotiation that is non-negotiable -- NO UNDERGROUND TESTS, PERIOD @President_Iran @NorthKoreaBoss
There is nothing to negotiate with you, until you keep your word for 6 months on stopping underground tests @President_Iran @NorthKoreaBoss
CONSENSUS IS: NO UNDERGROUND TESTS-TESTS ARE NOT PEACEFUL @President_Iran https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qsc1xBW9-k1F1jgS7P7V4GuWco6WqOBHZ2YeZk5x5fo/edit … @NorthKoreaBoss https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JlTTo-vmFJ-MIJMcaQ9ItattRFfWXkQhUEJtLdepdCY/edit …
This is not submission match-based on your use of terrorism-thinking you get your way @President_Iran @NorthKoreaBoss it is about consensus
We can redress grievances without war against the Earth, its inhabitants, or acts of war or terrorism @President_Iran @NorthKoreaBoss
I DRAW UP NO NEW TREATY OR EVEN CONSIDER IT UNTIL OCT.-NOV. @President_Iran @NorthKoreaBoss your words prove to be of little value to action
NO MORE @President_Iran I recognized Iran's sovereignty and they insulted me and kept doing tests! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qsc1xBW9-k1F1jgS7P7V4GuWco6WqOBHZ2YeZk5x5fo/edit … @NorthKoreaBoss
We can not recognize what you deem 'right' to drop the Rod of Thor AT WILL @NorthKoreaBoss http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/apr/23/north-korea-demands-nuclear-club … or https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JlTTo-vmFJ-MIJMcaQ9ItattRFfWXkQhUEJtLdepdCY/edit …
The Guardian
North Korea demands to join nuclear club
3:41 AM - 23 Apr 13 · Details
South Korea warns of 'grave measure' if North Korea rejects talks on...
SKorea to withdraw workers at factory in NKorea
By SAM KIM | Associated Press – 10 hrs ago
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- Associated Press/Lee Jin-man - South Korean Unification Minister Ryoo Kihl-jae leaves after a news conference at Government Complex in Seoul, South Korea, Friday, April 26, 2013. Seoul said Friday that it has …more
- A South Korean military vehicle …
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Seoul said Friday that it has decided to withdraw the roughly 175 South Koreans still at a jointly run factory complex in North Korea, raising a major question about the survival of the last symbol of inter-Korean cooperation.
The statement by the country's minister in charge of inter-Korean relations came after North Korea rejected Seoul's demand for talks on the factory park that has been closed nearly a month.
Seoul said it issued a Friday deadline for North Korea to respond to its call for talks because it was worried about its workers not having access to food and medicine. North Korea hasn't allowed supplies or workers to cross the border since early this month.
"We've made the inevitable decision to bring back all the remaining personnel in Kaesong for the protection of our people as their difficulties continue to grow," Unification Minister Ryoo Kihl-jae said in a televised statement. He didn't take questions from reporters.
Ryoo urged North Korea to protect the property of South Korean companies at Kaesong and ensure the safety of South Korean managers when they return home. He didn't say when the withdrawal would take place.
Pyongyang's powerful National Defense Commission earlier said Seoul's demand for working-level talks was deceptive and that ongoing U.S.-South Korean military drills and the spreading of anti-North Korea leaflets at the border were proof of Seoul's insincerity.
"This is a war of pride between the Koreas, but they are conducting it while leaving some room for talks," Lee Hochul, a political science professor at Incheon National University in South Korea, said, adding neither side is mentioning a permanent shutdown of the industrial complex.
"Once drills end and tension subsides, they may try to revive contact over Kaesong," Lee said.
An association of South Korean businessmen with factories in Kaesong released a statement saying they were shocked at Seoul's decision to pull the workers out.
The park in the North Korean border town of Kaesong is the most significant casualty so far in the recent deterioration of relations between the Koreas. Pyongyang barred South Korean managers and cargo from entering North Korea early this month, then recalled the 53,000 North Koreans who worked on the assembly lines. More than 800 South Korean managers were stationed in Kaesong before the ban.
"If they are truly worried about the lives of South Korean personnel in the (complex), they may withdraw all of them to the south side where there are stockpiles of food and raw materials and sound medical conditions," the statement from an unidentified spokesman for the North's National Defense Commission said Friday. It added that North Korea would guarantee the workers' safety during the withdrawal.
"If the South's puppet group looks away from reality and pursues the worsening of the situation, we will be compelled to first take final and decisive grave measures," the statement said.
The statements on Kaesong this week follow what had been something of a lull after a weeks-long tirade of warlike North Korean rhetoric that included threats of nuclear war and missile strikes. Tension rose as Seoul responded with its own tough language to Pyongyang's outburst, which was unusually violent, even by the standards of the already hostile relationship between the Koreas.
Meanwhile, the military drills continue. On Friday, airplanes flew over South Korea's southeastern city of Pohang and amphibious vessels landed on the coast. North Korea calls the drills, which are set to end Tuesday, war preparations.
"Even at this moment, South Korea is ramping up the intensity of coastal landing drills with the United States in the east, driving the already tense situation to a point of explosion," North Korea said in its statement. It said the annual drills and the scattering of North Korean leaflets along the border belie the South Korean government's calls for talks.
The Kaesong complex has operated with South Korean know-how and technology and with cheap labor from North Korea since 2004. It weathered past cycles of hostility between the rivals, including two attacks blamed on North Korea in 2010 that killed 50 South Koreans.
"Seoul has executed a high-stakes gambit" by deciding to pull South Korean workers from Kaesong, said Kim Han-jung, a Yonsei University professor who once served as an aide to liberal President Kim Dae-jung, under whom the idea of the park was conceived. "The deadlock over the park is likely to persist for a long time. It will take a lot of political effort to restore it."
Both analysts said that Pyongyang could confiscate South Korean properties in Kaesong in the worst scenario as it did in 2010 at a South Korean-built mountain resort on North Korea's east coast. The cross-border tourism project came to a halt in 2008 after a South Korean tourist was fatally shot by a North Korean guard at the Diamond Mountain resort.
Impoverished North Korea objects to views in South Korea that the Kaesong park is a source of badly needed hard currency. South Korean companies paid salaries to North Korean workers averaging $127 a month, according to South Korea's government. That is less than one-sixteenth of the average salary of South Korean manufacturer workers.
Pyongyang also has complained about alleged South Korean military plans in the event the North held the Kaesong managers hostage.
A South Korean employee at Kaesong said she watched the ministry's briefing on television. She did not know whether she would leave Kaesong because her company's headquarters in the South had not called her yet.
"I've been staying here to protect our factory and our goods," she said when reached by phone, declining to be identified because her company asked her not to speak to the media. She has been in Kaesong since April 2, one day before North Korea blocked entry to South Korean workers, and has been eating rice and noodles, she said. One other colleague is staying with her.
AP writer Youkyung Lee contributed to this report.
Aja Brooks
11 hours ago via Twitter
You have bit off more than you can chew, and you know it @NorthKoreaBoss whether we stay after 4/30/13 or not http://t.co/735fMzvyrE
The threats came after days of relative quiet that followed weeks of warnings that dire consequences would follow if the United States and South Korea provoked the North.
Aja Brooks
11 hours ago via Twitter
Your use of the Rod of Thor is an act of war against us, so there is no 'pre-emptive' attack by you @NorthKoreaBoss http://t.co/735fMzvyrE
Thorium As Nuclear Fuel
What is thorium nuclear fuel?
Thorium is a basic element of nature, like Iron and Uranium. If a neutron passes by it, thorium will most likely capture it and undergo a series of nuclear reactions until it eventually emerges as Uranium-233, a fissile nuclide which will readily fission and release much energy next time it absorbs a neutron. It is possible to build a self-sustaining chain reaction and thus a power-producing nuclear plant using thorium as the fuel. Reactors which do this use what’s called the Thorium-Uranium (Th-U) fuel cycle. The vast majority of existing or proposed nuclear reactors, however, use enriched uranium (U-235) or reprocessed plutonium (Pu-239) as fuel (in the U-Pu cycle), and only a handful have used thorium. Current and exotic designs can theoretically accommodate thorium.
The Th-U fuel cycle has some intriguing capabilities over the traditional U-Pu cycle. Of course, it has downsides as well. On this page you’ll learn some details about these and leave with the ability to productively discuss and debate thorium with knowledge of the basics.
Up and coming nuclear reactor powerhouses China and India both have substantial reserves of Thorium-bearing minerals and not as much Uranium. So, expect this energy source to become a big deal in the not-too-distant future...
On this page:
Thor is a mythical Norse god associated with thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, the protection of mankind, healing, and fertility. Thorium was so named in the 1820s, well before its nuclear properties were known. Coincidence?
What are the benefits of Thorium?
- Thorium is more abundant on Earth than Uranium and can therefore last us for longer times. This is relevant for the common "once-through" fuel cycle where fuel is mined, burned, and then disposed of. If closed fuel cycles or breeding ever become mainstream, this benefit will be irrelevant because the Th-U and the U-Pu cycles will last us well into the tens of thousands of year, which is about as long as modern history.
- The Th-U fuel cycle does not irradiate Uranium-238 and therefore does not produce transuranic materials like Plutonium, Americium, Curium, etc. These transuranics are the major health concern of long-term nuclear waste. Thus, Th-U waste will be less toxic on the 10,000+ year time scale.
- Thorium cycles exclusively allow thermal breeder reactors (as opposed to fast breeders). More neutrons are released per neutron absorbed in the fuel in a traditional (thermal) type of reactor. This means that if the fuel is reprocessed, reactors could be fueled without mining any additional U-235 for reactivity boosts, which means the nuclear fuel resources on Earth can be extended by 2 orders of magnitude without some of the complications of fast reactors.
- Thorium can (practically) breed without making weapons material. Th-U cycles with some U-238 dilution build up fissile U-233, but it is not chemically separable from the fuel like plutonium is in U-Pu cycles. Discharged waste, therefore, will not be easily converted into weapons. Buildup of U-232 also leads to increased proliferation resistance.
What are the downsides of Thorium?
- We don’t have as much experience with Th. The nuclear industry is quite conservative, and the biggest problem with Thorium is that we are lacking in operational experience with it. When money is at stake, it’s difficult to get people to change from the norm.
- Thorium fuel is a bit harder to prepare. Thorium dioxide melts at 550 degrees higher temperatures than traditional Uranium dioxide, so very high temperatures are required to produce high-quality solid fuel. Additionally, Th is quite inert, making it difficult to chemically process.
- Irradiated Thorium is more dangerously radioactive in the short term. The Th-U cycle invariably produces some U-232, which decays to Tl-208, which has a 2.6 MeV gamma ray decay mode. Bi-212 also causes problems. These gamma rays are very hard to shield, requiring more expensive spent fuel handling and/or reprocessing.
- Thorium doesn’t work as well as U-Pu in a fast reactor. While U-233 an excellent fuel in the thermal spectrum, it is between U-235 and Pu-239 in the fast spectrum. So for reactors that require excellent neutron economy (such as breed-and-burn concepts), Thorium is not ideal.
Proliferation Issues
Thorium is generally accepted as proliferation resistant compared to U-Pu cycles. The problem with plutonium is that it can be chemically separated from the waste and perhaps used in bombs. It is publicly known that even reactor-grade plutonium can be made into a bomb if done carefully. By avoiding plutonium altogether, thorium cycles are superior in this regard.
Besides avoiding plutonium, Thorium has additional self-protection from the hard gamma rays emitted due to U-232 as discussed above. This makes stealing Thorium based fuels more challenging. Also, the heat from these gammas makes weapon fabrication difficult, as it is hard to keep the weapon pit from melting due to its own heat.
The one hypothetical proliferation concern with Thorium fuel though, is that the Protactinium can be chemically separated shortly after it is produced and removed from the neutron flux (the path to U-233 is Th-232 -> Th-233 -> Pa-233 -> U-233). Then, it will decay directly to pure U-233. By this challenging route, one could obtain weapons material. But Pa-233 has a 27 day half-life, so once the waste is safe for a few times this, weapons are out of the question. So concerns over people stealing spent fuel are eliminated by Th, but the possibility of the owner of a Th-U reactor obtaining bomb material is not.
Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors
One especially cool possibility enabled by the thermal-breeding capability of the Th-U fuel cycle are molten salt reactors. In these, fuel is not cast into pellets, but is rather dissolved in a vat of liquid salt. The chain reaction heats the salt, which naturally convects through a heat exchanger to bring the heat out to a turbine and make electricity. Online chemical processing removes fission product neutron poisons and allows online refueling (eliminating the need to shut down for fuel management, etc.). None of these reactors operate today, but Oak Ridge had a test reactor of this type in the 1960s called the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment [wikipedia](MSRE). The MSRE successfully proved that the concept has merit and can be operated for extended amounts of time. It competed with the liquid metal cooled fast breeder reactors (LMFBRs) for federal funding and lost out. Alvin Weinberg discusses the history of this project in much detail in his autobiography, The First Nuclear Era [amazon.com], and there is more info available all over the internet. These reactors could be extremely safe, proliferation resistant, resource efficient, environmentally superior (to other nukes, as well as to fossil fuel obviously), and maybe even cheap. Exotic, but successfully tested. Who’s going to start the startup on these?
See Also
- IAEA TECDOC-1450 Thorium fuel cycle - potential benefits and challenges. 113 pages of professional information.
- Energy From Thorium - a site dedicated to potentially excellent uses of Thorium in LFTRs
- Nuclear Power is our gateway to a prosperous future - An Op-Ed by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, a former president of India
What Went Wrong in West, Texas — and Where Were the Regulators?
A member of the Valley Mills Fire Department walks among the remains of an apartment complex next to the fertilizer plant that exploded on April 17, 2013 in West, Texas. Seven different agencies regulate fertilizer plants in Texas, but none of them have authority over how close they are to homes and schools. (Erich Schlegel/Getty Images)
ProPublica, April 25, 2013, 10:56 a.m.
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A week after a blast at a Texas fertilizer plant killed at least 15 people and hurt more than 200, authorities still don’t know exactly why the West Chemical and Fertilizer Company plant exploded.
Here’s what we do know: The fertilizer plant hadn’t been inspected by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration since 1985. Its owners do not seem to have told the Department of Homeland Security that they were storing large quantities of potentially explosive fertilizer, as regulations require. And the most recent partial safety inspection of the facility in 2011 led to $5,250 in fines.
We’ve laid out which agencies were in charge of regulating the plant and who’s investigating the explosion now.
What happened, exactly?
Around 7:30 p.m. on April 17, a fire broke out at the West Chemical and Fertilizer Company plant in West, Texas, a small town of about 2,800 people 75 miles south of Dallas. Twenty minutes later, it blew up. The explosion shook houses 50 miles away and was so powerful that the United States Geological Survey registered it as a 2.1-magnitude earthquake. It flattened homes within a five-block radius and destroyed a nursing home, an apartment complex, and a nearby middle school. According to the New York Times, the blast left a crater 93 feet wide and 10 feet deep, and the fire “burned with such intensity that railroad tracks were fused.”
Have fertilizer plants ever exploded before?
Yes. A plant in Sergeant Bluff, Iowa, that manufactured ammonium nitrate fertilizer — the same explosive chemical stored in West — exploded on Dec. 13, 1994, killing four people and injuring 18.
But fertilizer plants are safer now, said Stephen Slater, the Iowa administrator of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. “All kinds of technologies have had huge improvements,” he told the Des Moines Register. “And we haven’t had any bad experiences at the plants in the 20 years since [the accident]. I’m knocking on wood.” (Slater didn’t respond to our requests for comment.)
Who regulates these fertilizer plants?
At least seven different state and federal agencies can regulate Texas fertilizer plants like the one in West: OSHA, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, the Texas Department of State Health Services, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Texas Feed and Fertilizer Control Service.
Some of the agencies don’t appear to have shared information before the blast.
Fertilizer plants that hold more than 400 pounds of ammonium nitrate, for instance, are required to notify the Department of Homeland Security. (Ammonium nitrate can be used to make bombs. It’s what Timothy McVeigh used to blow up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995.) The West plant held 270 tons — yes, tons — of the chemical last year, according to a report it filed with the Texas Department of State Health Services, but the plant didn’t tell Homeland Security.
Carrie Williams, a Department of State Health Services spokeswoman, told ProPublica that the agency isn’t required to pass that information — which is also sent to local authorities — on to Homeland Security.
While the exact cause of the explosion is unknown, a federal official told the New York Times that investigators believed it was caused by the ammonium nitrate. The blast crater is in the area of the plant where the chemical was stored.
The plant also filed a “worst-case release scenario” report with the EPA and local officials stating there was no risk of a fire or an explosion. The scenario described an anhydrous ammonia leak that wouldn’t hurt anyone.
Did any of these agencies fail to inspect the plant when they should have?
It’s unclear. OSHA conducted the last full safety inspection of the plant in 1985. “Since then,” the Huffington Post reported, “regulators from other agencies have been inside the plant, but they looked only at certain aspects of plant operations, such as whether the facility was abiding by labeling rules when packaging its fertilizer for sale.”
You can view the full OSHA report here. Since 2011, OSHA has carried out inspections based in part on the level of risk that plants like the one in West reported to the EPA. Since the West plant had told the EPA there was no risk of a fire or an explosion, it wasn’t a priority. The plant also may have been exempt from some inspections as a small employer. An OSHA spokesman told ProPublica that the agency would be investigating whether the plant had such an exemption.
As the Huffington Post also noted, the most recent federal safety inspection of the plant, in 2011, resulted in a $5,250 fine for failing to draft a safety plan for pressured canisters of anhydrous ammonia, among other infractions. (There’s no evidence that anhydrous ammonia played any role in the explosion.)
Why was a plant that stored explosive chemicals allowed to be located so close to a school?
The EPA and other federal agencies actually don’t regulate how close such plants can be to schools, nursing homes and population centers. In Texas, the decision is left up to the local zoning authorities.
A Dallas Morning News investigation in 2008 found that Dallas County residents were “at risk of a toxic disaster because outdated and haphazard zoning has allowed homes, apartments and schools to be built within blocks — in some cases even across the street — from sites that use dangerous chemicals.”
Ed Sykora, who owns a Ford dealership in West and spent a dozen years on the school board and the city council, told the Huffington Post he couldn’t recall the town discussing whether it was a good idea to build houses and the school so close to the plant, which has been there since 1962. "The land was available out there that way; they could get sewer and other stuff that way without building a bunch of new lines," Sykora said. "There never was any thought about it. Maybe that was wrong."
Who’s investigating what happened?
OSHA, the EPA and the U.S. Chemical Safety Board are all investigating. But don’t hold your breath waiting for the Chemical Safety Board’s conclusions. The agency is still investigating a blast that killed seven workers at an oil refinery in Washington State three years ago, as well as the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion that killed 11 workers in 2010 and sent oil flowing into the Gulf of Mexico for months.
A Center for Public Integrity investigation found that the number of accident reports completed by the Chemical Safety Board had declined dramatically since 2006. Daniel Horowitz, the agency’s managing director, said that the agency was stretched thin and had been asking for more investigators for years.
“Going forward, the owners and employees of Adair Grain and West Fertilizer Co. are working closely with investigating agencies,”Donald Adair, the plant’s owner and a West resident,said in a statement last Friday. “We are presenting all employees for interviews and will assist in the fact finding to whatever degree possible.”
Has Congress introduced any new regulation legislation?
Yes, but it would roll back regulations rather than strengthen them. Eleven representatives — one Democrat and 10 Republicans — sponsored a bill in February that would limit the EPA’s regulatory authority over fertilizer plants. It has been endorsed by industry groups such as the Fertilizer Institute. Kathy Mathers, a spokeswoman for the Fertilizer Institute, told ProPublica that the group supports the bill because it would more clearly spell out how the EPA can regulate the industry.
Correction: An earlier version of this story mistakenly stated two different figures for the number of people killed in the blast. It is at least 15 people.
Turner Highlights Obama’s Failed Missile Defense Strategy http://1.usa.gov/10dnJcs
Retweeted by Tea Party Chief
About the only thing detente is accomplishing @JohnKerry is North Korea planting rice which they should've been doing anyway @NorthKoreaBoss
NO @JohnKerry Missile defense is a shield not aggression! @NorthKoreaBoss specifically cited presence in waters, South Korea, and B-52's.
West Texas Explosion has strange signature
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